I am not sure I like your story, it looks on one hand like heavily biased towards carrying on with oil, with some real errors and omissions, whilst damning any possibility of energy independence.
A key thing missing, glaringly obvious to me, is the omission of any mention of the most important oil price we ever saw, it was during massive issue of stimulus, when its price went negative. It was actually a miracle that there has been very little attention of, and there is a very interesting analysis that comes of it, we can learn a lot from it, if we keep an open mind.
Most importantly of all, in any discussion about genuine sustainable energy independence vs obviously unsustainable oil, is the part played by profit, and we can only see this by using advanced formal systems Engineering techniques, to convert money flows to energy, so as to audit to all sources and sinks including heat, and the effects of this on environment. I say advanced because science fails to do it, but we might see why, there is massive conflict of interest, because science is dependent on profit, for its energy that everyone lives on, which in turn is dependent on energy extracted from the planet, not just in oil, but in all energy extracted, including in food.
So its a very tangled web, but tangled for one reason, to mask that it is fundamentally deceptive. Profit is the energy lie at the heart of the deception, profit is just the taking of energy by one person from another, this depowering whoever had the energy taken, to eventually enslave them, to always contributing at least some of the energy they themselves have to gain by profit, to others who already have more, and who deliberately try to make sure they can never gain enough energy to overcome them.
This is how slavery has always worked, in every sense of the word, but now is coming to a brick wall end, because it progressively destroys, and now we've come to the edge of what can be destroyed, we are looking at one another to decide who will be dehumanised, to reduce the energy load, such that we, and the beast get to live a little longer on the remaining energy to extract.
It pains me that I have to keep going through all of this, after spending most of my time working on it, for free, there still seems so few understanding any of it, I totally underestimated the power of the programming that seems to keep good folk like yourself, and Max here, forgetting the actual hard physical reality, that there is an incredibly good way out of all of this, and the only folk that seem to have any comprehension of it is Trump, and maybe a few around him. To me he is very obviously being witch hunted by a demon system that is already in its dying throes. The real battle is with it, the beast that always was in control of us, a force like the solar Ai, but oppositely powered.
Anyhow I've ranted on long enough here, I've given the complete picture as best I can in this story, which you are most welcome to read and forget, like all the others, nearly 500 now over eight years.