Frederick Bott
4 min readJul 30, 2024


I am not so sure about this.

As you maybe remember, I am a researcher working on what I see is a global energy problem.

From that point of view its much easier to see the connection between wealth disparity and environment.

Money is energy always, physically, and its currently being used to impoverish, remove wealth from those with less. This is how it really works. Yes there is overall improvement, just because tehnology has moved forward to some extent, but recently its been going backwards again, we've lost some technical icons which were the real pinnacle of achievement, manned trips to the moon, supersonic passenger flight, reusable deep space shuttles.

Aerospace is the industry most sensitive to profitability, and profitability is directly related to ease of energy extraction. Not just oil but all energy, food included.

When a government taxes you, its removing energy from you that you necessarily need to replace, to at least keep feeding your metabolism with about 3kWhrs per day. When a utilities energy company supplies energy to you at profit, its removing energy from you that you need to replace (The money you pay for bills, converted to kWhrs at market rates, is more than the kWhrs you received as electricity of gas. So the net flow of energy is from you to the utilties energy company).

When you supply a little energy as work, and get paid back more as money, this is how you make back the energy taken from you by all the bills.

Whoever you took the energy from in this way then has to turn to others to grab energy from them via profit, and yada yada, Paul robs Peter all the way back to the planet, which is the only thing that can supply more energy out for a little put in. But it can only do it for a finite period of time, and throughout we've seen environmental degradation by at least desertification, and most lately accelerated temperature rise. Logically the desertification was always about temperature rise. The equatorial areas now desertified were at one time green.

When the extraction at the root of profit is done, there is large loss of energy to heat, and this is added to by losses in refinement. Then the energy in profit itself is consumed by the recipient of profit, and also mostly thrown to heat. All of it came from things that were not heat. Take all this heat energy and apply it to the thermal mass of the planet, and we get the measured temperature rise of a few degrees.

There is no way to do that numerically by the theory of greenhouse gases. Nor should there be, because it isn't just about oil, its about all energy extracted, and the atmosphere is adiabatic, and a blanket wrapped around Earth, if there was such a thing in an adiabatic atmosphere, effectively insulating Earth from the energy of the sun, the single energy source powering Earth, should cause temperature reduction on Earth, not the other way round.

For temperature rise there has to be a heat generating source on the planet, and here we show there is - its profit, all business for profit, which is directly connected to all extraction and the associated losses, as well as the actualy energy in profit.

So the whole business of net zero is null, given its all about making profit. Its impossible to fix profit by yet more profit.

Hence why I say the only way out of this is to issue money reflecting the economic product already created and in constant, ramping up production, from solar.

As said, we apparently have another black hole in the UK economy needing filled, and again the government is suggesting to take it by austerity measures, further impoverishing us, and forcing further extraction, because we all need to make profit to make up the extra energy.

When all along there is now probably the best part of a Trillion, that can and should be issued, to bring money into line with created product, this also restoring the energy value in money.

That done, with the money taps left permanently on, with flow of money regulated to stay in step with solar product created all will be incentivised to increase solar production.

And look, when solar is put to use as anything except heat, this is temperature reduction.

Then we would finally have all people in creative mode, all working to reduce temperature, no matter what we do, to increase our solar financial stipend.

I think this is what is being forced on us anyhow, by nature.

Watch what happens when banks and utilities energy companies finally start to go bankrupt.

Then we might finally see some common sense movement towards what nature appears to be forcing us to do.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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