I am not a millennial, but can imagine your article would make frustrating reading for them.
Essentially you seem to be saying something like “Tough luck guys, but the way things are is really good, it is your fault if you are not doing well”.
We can see a gross distortion between the way the privileged see how the world works, and the way the unprivileged see it.
It seems almost as if extreme money imbalance makes some folk blind, the ones holding the money.
I don’t believe anyone is immune to that. Give anyone enough money to significantly privilege, relative to others, and they start to see less and less anything outside their own personal circumstances.
Personally this has puzzled me ever since I was a child.
I still remember my rich old uncle, who owned a substantial house on its own, looking over the sea, smug that a new law called “personal poll tax” had been brought in to replace local taxing by house size and number of rooms.
I loved and admired him very much, but I could never understand how he could feel satisfied, and even expected everyone to feel good on his behalf, including me, that he personally would pay the same monthly sum to our local council as me, a 16 year old with no property, or a house or dwelling of any kind of my own.
His satisfaction somehow outweighed the importance of the feelings of most of his friends and loved ones. Of course we pretended, and even tried our very best to feel good for him, because we loved him too much to hurt his feelings.
A year later, the UK government had to do a u-turn on poll tax when the worst rioting we’ve seen in recent UK history broke out all over the country.
The people revolted.
Who has it right?
If we believe in democracy, then it should be the majority.
The rich are in the minority.
So your view appears to be the one wrong, to me.