I am not a bible thumper but I was born and brought up Christian, and I admit this has a bearing on how I think. To me your pic of the guy with turban showing finger gesture means nothing, nor would an image of christ on a cross showing a finger gesture even with nailed hands, it's all just artistic imagery that might be designed to generate emotions. Your assumption that this will evoke non Christian hypocritical emotions just shows you yourself are not Christian so probably can't conceive what it's like to be Christian.
To me as a Systems Engineer, seeing and understanding now what is systemic behavior by multiple people acting unwittingly as a harmful system just by acting on their "Instinct" to hate who they perceive are enemies, I get why Jesus might have just tried to lay down rules to people not evolved enough at the time to understand systemic concepts, to try to limit what ends up as inhuman systemic effects.
Those effects are what you are confirming by your unthinking post, you are not displaying any awareness of systemic effects, therefore you are displaying unevolved human behaviour, which of course has exactly the kind of harmful effects Jesus might have been intending to try to limit.
What say you to that?