I am never a voluntary sailor myself either, except very occasional minor cruise like your own, since I've had to sail professionally at various times in my life.
But I could not help noticing a couple of things, as a long term researcher of the global energy prroblem now:
During covid when massive stimulus was issued (Remember money is energy, always, physically), lots of folk invested in these companies even though they were declared as technically bankrupt about that time, when oil prices also went negative.
At the time the markets were flooded with folk trading with this freely issued money via the Robihood app. Most of them were first time traders with not a care about the usual values of investors - to make profit.
They obviously didn't want oil, but they did want cruises on ships, it seems to me.
I notice now many folk appear to be permanently retiring to cruises, the price has come down to only about twice the cost of living in a rented flat in UK. This isn't ou of the reach of folk with generous private pensions.
Most folk in this category would have been folk who had to work for every cent they ever had in life, before they got the money they could throw around in markets.
Anyhow the cruise companies were thus rescued, so technically they are publicly owned, though legally they've managed to dodge that.
Now the thing is, we can see that if, actually when solar indexed stimulus is issued, as it will have to be, to monetise the only energy scaling up (Solar), which is given for free per joule from the sun, no work of extraction associated, so money issued as debt can't monetise it, everyone will again be empowered by free money, but this time the money taps will have to be left on, to keep the energy value in money, by having it continuously reflect economic product creation from free energy.
We will also quickly find that, because oil will again go negative priced, and stay negative priced, we will quickly move to generating hydrogen on a massive scale, and this will immediately reflect dropping temperature, because every kWhr put into hydrogen is a KWhr removed from the heating energy of the sun, regardless of efficiency, we will also see quickly how to power all ships and all vehicles, even aerospace, from hydrogen.
All of this will happen in a matter of only a few years, after issue of solar indexed stimulus starts.
Ships, from that point on, will output only the pollution of human body waste, which is a minor ill compared with the billowing smoke we see from them when fossil fuel powered. Even then they might find ways to have solar powered on-board sewage processing, to render deposits harmless, there is such technology, expensive in the current economic climate of profit, but free in the scenario of everything solar powered.
So If you would like to see change for the better, sooner, I would push for solar indexed stimulus.
This is the economic catalyst for moving to a completely new world, where we will start to reverse all the damage done by the old world of all things done by profit and extracted energy.
The planet is insisting anyhow, even the richest will have to listen when they realise the planet is the ultimate Robin hood, it will take their money from them, or their lives (They are obviously still thinking about it, but I hope they won't take too long).
Remember, the only time we ever saw a brief spike of recovery of ocean life, was at that miraculuous time of free money issue. Coral and fish stocks both saw a spike of recovery. We should recognise that as a miracle - fish created from nothing. Does that ring any bells?