I am more than ever convinced of the opinion that we are, as a species going through a change similar to a baby being born, or an egg hatching, or a plant shooting its first leaves. All cases involve a transition from the resources lived on for the infant part of life, to the resources of the larger environment, removing its dependency from the mother host that bore it to that stage, in most cases in a way that benefits the host thereafter.
Telling signs, are things like the similarities between the function of money in humanity, and the function of nutrients in plants.
During the infant part of its life, until it formed leaves, the plant drew all the energy it needed for its own growth up from the Earth, against gravity, by way of nutrients.
After the plant forms leaves, it starts to issue nutrients in response to the Joules received on its leaves, which then simply flow downwards to Earth, after the plant has taken what it needs to accelerate its own growth to adulthood, thus also increasing the flow of nutrients carrying energy to Earth.
So plants are the interface of all life on Earth with the sun, until now.
Now we are forming our own human equivalent of leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
The thing remaining, and which we absolutely have to start doing, is issuing money in response to the Joules put to use from solar.
It all adds up perfectly mathematically, and the inflation we are seeing now, is for the first time ever, being forced by nature, because essentially until money is issued for the actual new growing thing of value in the economy, it is becoming increasingly less representative of that real thing of value, which is necessarily relentlessly scaling up.
Conventional energy companies and all business and government dependent on conventional energy (all energy by labor of extraction), in fact all profit driven business, does not like to hear this information, as it is the writing on the wall for their business which historically gave them privilege.
But it is better they see this and prepare for what is inevitably coming, rather than just allow it to knock them completely by surprise I think, because by giving in gracefully, they will minimise the human suffering happening.
Otherwise it is going to be a very painful process for everyone, especially the richest, who stand to lose everything, and they literally can't stand that, whereas the rest of us, who are used to getting by on very little, so have little to lose anyway will survive one way or another.
Educated people should educate those in power about this, so that they can give in gracefully, saving themselves, and us a lot of pain, it seems to me.