I am guessing you might not have talked about the Russian Ukrainians who were killed by the thousands in Ukraine before Russia invaded, because you might not have known. Our news didn't say much about it because we were quietly funding the Ukrainian government, to go and do that stuff.
The folk funded were neo Nazi extremists, which Putin often talks about but we never mention, or return with derision if we do.
Yet the extremists are on youtube still, boasting about it, and anticipating with glee what they are going to do with the weapons when they come from us to them.
You can find it by searching for "Yehven Karas, C14" in youtube. There is no mistaking what he was saying and what he meant.
Yet our news ignores all of that, whilst Ukraine puts up new statues to honor historical Nazis that the Ukrainian Neo Nazis idolise, some guy called Banderas, there are photos of those too. But we never show them on the news either. Shouldn't that be newsworthy?
It's all propaganda dude, best policy is don't get involved, don't take sides, there is always more to it than we are being told.