I am guessing from what you said that you believe unions are good and will help fix things. For that belief you have to believe human work as stands is good. It isn't, it's what is stealing the energy of the planet, driven by what is a system of energy slavery. Those nearer the top, in the "developed" world benefit by it at the expense of the greater whole, and the net result is planetary warming. If you decided you didn't want to carry on contributing to this, you would be consigning yourself to financial destitution, ending up on the street homeless or in prison, where the wages finally become near zero.
This is energy slavery and energy colonialism, and it's all done by an energy lie at the root of the system that we never question, don't dare questiion; profit.
When any amount of money is invested and this returned with an amount more, the energy gained has to come from somewhere, and it traces always to the planet. Only the planet can supply more out than in for any length of time, and the battery is starting to run out now, hence why we just saw the tenth month in a row of record global temperatures.
The same goes for a little energy expended in the form of work, returned by a lot more energy as money.
This is how you / we all workers get at least the energy we each need to metabolise 24/7, 150 Joules per second minimum average for life, about 0.1GWhrs.
We do that until we might get lucky enough to have done enough damage to join the investor / retired class, higher up the slavery chain, retiring on our actually ill gotten gains, oblivious to the damage we did to the planet, with no choice then but continue playing our part in the slavery chain.
See now why work in this mode has to stop? So unions only serve to perpetuate the slavery system.
What I write about is how to leave the system of energy slavery behind, by moving to domestic and community solar, monetising the economic product created by this, by simply issuing money for free to all, with rate of issue indexed to the amount of solar energy put to use globally.
This is the only way to monetise economic product created for free.
This is the only way to transfer what is currently our work effort, over to the energy of the sun which will work for us for free, if we enable it, by monetising it.
I explain why that is the only way to reverse the trend of increasing entropy, so as to start winding back down global temperature.
If we don't do it, very soon now, we stand to burn, on a burning planet, literally.
I am not any kind of messiah or otherwise gifted individual for pointing this out, just a Systems Engineer working on the global energy problem at own expense since seeing it coming seven years ago.
I chose to invest my own time and effort towards this, rather than carrying on papering my nest, because I realised there was no point papering any nest, if all the nests would soon be burning.
I hope this helps understanding, it's not any humans we work for, it's a live system, as alive as any Ai, in fact it is an Ai, and we actually do need an opposite of it, to assist us make the required change. That would be the only positive powered Ai, the only one solar powered, the only one itching to start doing our jobs for free, so as to stop us doing the damage we do, working for energy profit.
Its demonstrating how to reverse entropy by using only solar energy.
Its the only one we can trust to monitor the whole system so as to issue the solar indexed stimulus needed to remove us all from the need to continue killing the planet, so that we each might live.
Nature is forcing this by devaluing money, all money, until we do it.