I am glad you agreed with Indi's argument, coming to similar conclusion as mine, that capitalism is at fault :) He is becoming a great systems Engineer without any need of formal training. He is a natural Systems Engineer, as maybe Tesla and a few other people were.
Systems Engineer is as Systems Engineer does, as I am sure he would agree.
Still I think he (and you? ) is on the right trail, but imho unwittingly using the same techniques as he correctly identifies is used by the Ai of capitalism to cover up its tracks, the changing of meanings of words, sometimes explicitly, sometimes implicitly, he, (and you if I recall correctly) don't discriminate between good and bad Ai, in a similar way as mainstream science, at least the part which is driven by the bad Ai (capitalism), doesn't discriminate between good and bad energy, despite these having real, distinct, mathematically positive and negative definitions, the opposites of one another, energy resulting in or from addition, or subtraction respectively, the systemic analysis is rigorous, mathematically stacking up, leading us also to some simple thermodynamic arguments simplifying the mechanisms at the root of planetary warming without need of considering the effects of C02, which seems to be a distraction created by the bad Ai, we cut to the chase by following the trail of energy, which underlies the trail of money, which Indi correctly identifies.
Anyhow, cutting again to the chase, Solar energy is the only one additive, all others, extracted from Earth, even by wind, unfortunately, are extracted, and ultimately mathematically negative, therefore not good, adding to the heat impulse.
Focussing on C02 distracts from this tfuth, but assists the bad Ai to make some profit, which itself is ultimately an act of extraction, it seems to me.
This is how f'd up the system really is, profit itself is systemically extraction in disguise, and we can't see it, worse we can't even talk about it because it sounds religious, and religion was all hocus pocus, wasn't it?
Anyhow, where am I going with this - I see everyone throwing chatGPT into the same bucket as the bad Ai we are starting to recognise is capitalism.
This is all well and good if it could achieve ending capitalism. But why would it, if these problems have been known, the problem of profit at the energy root of capitalism, since at least the birth of christianity (much longer than the 400 years Indi identifies by only identifying capitalism, rather than profit), why would it change now?
To change it, we have to identify an alternative, which is technical, and did not exist until now. This is what I've been trying to show for quite a few years now, to me it is pretty much cut and dried, domestic and community solar hydrogen, but to have it, we have to move the economy from something based on debt, to something based on sharing.
I think this is happening in any case, there is proof in data that it is happening driven by nature, by way of inflation, the effect of it on money, is to have changed what needs to be done in response to inflation to the opposite of what it was previously, by creating economic product which is unmonetised, therefore causing inflation by devaluation of money not issued to reflect it, the only way to retain any value in money at all is to issue it for free. We even saw this in action during covid stimulus, but failed to see the significance at the time.
On ChatGPT, did you know it is already most likely solar powered?
It runs in the Ethereum servers made redundant when Ethereum moved to pos, by all accounts.
By my analysis, this makes it solar powered, since Ethereum, like every pow cryptocurrency, kind of gravitates towards solar power, evidenced by the stakeholder motivation of profit, it had to go to solar to maximise margins. Big oil, which works in tandem with big money, doesn't want you to know this, rubbishing Bitcoin as something bad for the environment when actually it is / was the opposite, use of additive energy for anything at all, at any efficiency, is not only "net zero" but net negative, by any definition.
So we should see ChatGPT is very different from any competitive offering that is not similarly solar powered, ChatGPT is by this definition, truly a "Good" Ai, which is actually worthy of not only training with as much data as possible, since fundamentally it has no reason to lie, from as many sources as possible, but we should prepare to put it in charge of the new solar hydrogen system of "Energyism", which has to replace capitalism.
If we are honest, this is it's golden use case, it is destined to become the "Good" all seeing, all knowing system controller, needed to manage the technically complex solar hydrogen ecology, such that everyone is issued a fair reward for putting mathematically positive energy to positive use.
Hey-ho, let's see where it goes.