I am firmly of a similar view as Jed here. This is a choice Indi, one that you seem to have made. It is true we are all of us guilty of being part of the destruction machine, and it will keep destroying and heating the planet as long as we stay on board.
There are two ways of seeing this, we can think of it as unfixable, in which case why not just enjoy the remainder of the ride as best we can. That would be the view of the typical leaders of the system- the bankers, the oil barons, the utilities energy barons, the "defence" industry barons, and so on, even those living on plump pensions, they are the ones with privelige, who think that with end of their privelige has to come the end of the world. They don't want anyone upsetting that applecart. You are in that category Indi. We could choose to support you, if we thought the same way as you, and this is your attempt to make us think the way you do.
Or we could choose to listen to those claiming they have solutions, considering if they really are solutions or not.
I've spent six years on the latter as a formerly long term Chartered Engineer working variously for all the leaders mentioned earlier, those at the top of the establishment.
My main aim in Medium is to convince them, and everyone, that my work is just like another contract, to sort out just another problem they contracted me to do.
Only this one I am doing voluntarily, unpaid, and it is already my longest project.
There is a perfectly fine solution, it is fully dictated by fully analysing the problem, with all stakeholder concerns included.
The problem is fundamentally an energy availability problem.
Everything we are seeing including the rising difficulty of making profit, is because of the dwindling availability of energy, which raises temperature with its use. Everything bad we are seeing, traces back to this shortage of energy as the root cause.
The solution, the only solution, is to switch to an unlimited energy source, there is only one, it is the sun.
We can have that, but only if it is used by all people on a distributed basis. The sum of all using it then becomes huge, much greater than was ever seen by centralised extracted energy distribution.
Best of all, use of it is creation, the opposite of destruction, it has the opposite effect on temperature, it cools, and everything tracing from it adds benefit instead of subtracting benefit.
It is ultimately sustainable, because this is the definition of photosynthetic life Indi, this is how plants work, after they form leaves, they grow, adding value to the planet, this is how life itself works Indi.
I think you seem to have lost sight of that. I really hope I am not right about that Indi, you were so full of life, but now all you seem to be able to see is doom, I personally have watched you doing that, and frankly, it was painful.
I hope you can move out of that limited mindset of thinking there is no way out.
I've shown the way out, it's in the sum of the 370 odd stories I've done on Medium since beginning the project of finding the fix for the global energy problem.
It's all here, you just don't seem to be able to see it.