I am even more skeptical Mike. I don't believe our economy will hold out that long, nor food supply chains, nor energy reserves, nor the relentless buildup of fires, nor even the buildup of war. This is heavily nonlinear, and actually related to profit. That is what scientists might be scared to say, but this is the truth. Profit is energy theft from the planet. Every time it is done, more materials and energy are converted to heat.
We might have hoped that solar would offset or counter that, since use of solar does the opposite, converts energy to things other than heat. But it can't be monetised by money as debt, because money issued as debt is effectively a requisition, to bring back more energy than was handed out, and this is not possible from the sun. The sun gives what it gives, all for free, it isn't possible to steal from it.
So the energy returned in every profitable transaction has to have been extracted from Earth, which means it has to add to heating.
This is the first temperature impulse, it is multiplied by a multitude of other things including C02.
So all the work projected to be done on things like carbon capture etc will just make things worse, because they are for profit, and they are only addressing a symptom, not the root cause, because profit can't actually fix any problems, if any problem is fixed, there is no more profit to be made.
Also net-zero is impossible, we will either have net negative (Emissions), or nothing.
This is the conclusion of the work I've done on the problem over the last six years.
I don't see any more coming of it, I am in documentation and solution modeling phase now, the root problem is fully identified and the only solution dictated by the stakeholder analysis has been identified. I am doing some simulateable models for that, because I know they will be needed if we finally see sense.
The characteristic of being locked into mathematically negative energy use until we pop, or until we change completely to mathematically positive energy use, by cascading multipliers is explained by a concept described as the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework. I think this is as deep as the research needs to dig, so I've stopped digging now.
I did an e-book on it, it is here, for anyone interested to know about it: