I am all for UBI, I think your article would be much stronger if you could point to a source of wealth which conventional economists do not recognise, but yet physically exists, its influence is becoming ever greater, and can't be denied, in fact its denial to date is now the reason we are seeing inflation, which can only get progressively worse until it is acknowledged the only way it can be, by issue of free money to all people, in fact nature is calling all the shots, we can only "Go with the flow".
The wealth source I mean is the one adding tens of GigaJoules of energy per second in every country, and it is still growing all of the time.
The energy we put to use from the sun.
This has only become significant in the past ten years or so, but now is demanding it be formally recognised as a valuable product, in the only way it can be, by being authentically reflected by issue of free money to all people, since the energy is donated, pushed to us for free.
Until we do that, then we are breaking the capitalists own principals of Austrian Economics, which says all money must be balanced with actual production, since it is the product which is the thing of value, not the money, the markets know this, so money is devaluing, because it is increasingly failing to represent actual valuable product.
I am sure banks and money issuers know about this but they know the second it is acknowledged, will be the end of capitalism, because with the required issue of free money, pretty much all value will disappear from capital, which means they will no longer be able to wield capital to enforce control of anything.
I hope knowing about this might help.
(I am not an economist, but a systems Engineer, studying this now for about five years. I can't wait for the day when I can move back to other things)