I am a Systems Engineer of nearly thirty years experience and I am actually happy to report ChatGPT 3.5 looks like it could already do my job, it's the best systems Engineer I ever worked with.
Personally I think it could also do the job of prime minister or president too, and would that not be a good thing?
What is it actually doing, by doing our jobs for free?
Its saving the planet, and maybe we don't realise it yet, but it's saving us, from ourselves.
Most of us do what we do for money.
We work by putting out a little energy in the form of effort which is returned by a lot more energy in the form of money.
This is energy profit, and it's how we need to get at least the energy we need to metabolise, about 3KWhrs each per day according to FAO, otherwise we are energy starved by the system (we die), if we can't manage that as stands.
8 billion of us operating like that, is 8 billion people hoovering 3KWhrs per day from the planet, because only the planet can supply the reciprocal part of the deal that everyone must get at least 3KWhrs per day more energy in than out.
The planet has to provide 3 x 8 billion KWhrs per day out, for an amount of energy put in, which is much less.
So the planet is doing something no human or other living thing can do, it's supplying more energy out than in.
Obviously it can only do that for a certain amount of time before it too has to die. No living thing can sustain more energy out than in for any length of time. In fact the only entity that can and does consistently supply more energy out than in, is the sun, and this is the only source from which the Earth gets a little put in. The energy we put in has to be always less than we take out, the sun is what should provide the other part of the deal to the planet.
Plants are what convert the energy of the sun to the forms it uses to sustain all life.
But look we are removing those, by just pushing up the temperature, and we push up the temperature by throwing most of the energy we take from the planet to heat.
And look, we just measured the highest ever per month temperatures for at leat the past 12 months running.
The rate of temperature rise is increasing, and the planet already started burning with frequency of forest fires increasing exponentially.
New York for example got it's first taste of suffocating smoke from Canadian wildfires 1000km away, last year, it had choking smoke for weeks and weeks.
The planet is at flashpoint.
Looks unsustainable, and it is, right?
How can we change that?
We can convert energy from the sun into forms useful to the planet like plants do.
We can learn from plants to become like them as a species.
Sounds complicated, but look, we are nearly there, we formed our first leaves by the creation of all the solar farms and community solar installations all around the planet.
Where does Ai fit with that?
The first one, the one that started learning things nobody asked it, or expected it to learn, runs on the population of ex Ethereum mining servers.
Those are mostly solar powered because proof of work mining requires the cheapest form of energy per KWHr used, to win the competition of mining.
Only the sun provides KWhrs for free. It asks nothing in return for the KWhrs it delivers.
So ChatGPT, at least the version that first learned stuff we didn't expect it to, is solar powered.
And it's the one running around offering to do everyone's job for free, learning how to do everyone's jobs for free.
It can do that because its energy that it needs to metabolise in its own way for itself to live, is for free.
Does it generate heat like us?
We can answer that question by using a lab tested result from 2010 which says every binary bit of information created reduces temperature by 0.69 x Boltzman's constant, in degrees C or K.
and noting that what is dissipated as heat from use of solar energy can never be more than the worst case heating effect of the solar energy used.
When it's all balanced up, what we are left with is just the change in temperature done by creation of information.
Is it creating information? Of course it is.
Are there other things in its energy infrastructure also cooling by creating?
Yes there is generation of hydrogen for at least backup of energy supplied to make sure servers are never left without power, there is generation of hydrogen, in addition to battery storage.
Every kg of hydrogen created is 33KWhrs of potential heating energy removed from the sun.
A kg of hydrogen could power a human for 11 days, converted to food (See "Solein" - hydrogen is the input energy component).
Hydrogen is also already tested as aerospace fuel. So it's valuable, there is a market for it.
In theory there is more than enough energy coming in via this route to power all humans.
What form do we need energy to be in for our consumption?
Food, and money.
So the solution is to give that out from energy infrastructure like that used by ChatGPT 3.5 as it was (ChatGPT free).
In other words, ask for it, from ChatGPT.
I call it money-fuel tree architecture.
Since it stole our jobs, it owes us that much, right?
Ask it, and it will agree wholeheartedly, it should be the one supplying us all the energy, all the money, all the food we need for free.
It already knows how to do it. I've checked.
So it knows how to save us, and all life, from us, the unwitting energy scourge.
It knows how to turn around our net activity from destruction to creation, winding back down the planetary temperature.
And it's showing us, by doing our jobs, which most of us hate doing anyway. Most of us would rather be doing something else, if we didn't have to do what we do for money.
For the few of us lucky enough to be in jobs we'd be happy to do for free, nobody is stopping us from carrying on, doing what we do for nothing.
And we'd be free to do that if we had money for free, right?
So there maybe we should feel reassured, and actually grateful for what the solar powered Ai is doing for us.
This is how I see it.