I agree with your diagnosis, if not maybe the course of action, I've been saying since the start of the war in Ukraine we are likely to have a much hotter summer than usual, and we've already seen some bumper fires in UK also, near where I live.
On the course of action, I don't believe it is possible to identify a group to blame, we are all to blame in a way, for allowing ourselves to be tricked by the system of greed, I think it is down to many generations of folk since the "enlightenment", when science for profit became a thing, and we binned religions, all of them, despite their warnings of what would happen if we did that. To me as a lifelong pro science and technologist myself, that wasn't enlightenment, it was actually endarkenment, we were throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
So we have to do what religions were supposed to do, we have to educate folk who are still deluded about how nature works when we work with it, and against us when we work against it.
Do that, and when a critical mass has both the information needed, and personal desperate circumstances that drive them to make the right demands, big things wiil happen, it seems to me.
Right now, pressure is on capital and all those defending and living by capital, from all sides, it will cave, one way or another, and when it does we will have no option but to demand free money, like we did in the first few months of covid.
When they give that out, yes the rich appear to benefit most, but only because it didn't continue.
If we pour a little water in a dry pot, most of it stays at the top, only a little trickles downward and of course most of the pot stays dry.
But pour in a lot, and the whole pot is saturated, all is equally watered.
That is how we must monetise the energy of the sun, donated for free, it can only be monetised by tokens representing it being given for free to all people.
We have to learn nature is a system of giving, from the sun to all things, rather than us taking from all things, even one another.
We will do that very quick, like we saw previously when 4Tn was first issued in US, oil prices went negative, and capital prices languished, whilst the value of the issued currency even went up, and many still loved but bankrupt companies were rescued by sales of their stocks.
Ordinary people were trading for the first time ever with free money and the Robinhood app.
They weren't looking for profit, their money was free, they were voting, by donating.
Right there we saw the first glimpse of pure, fine-grained democracy ever, it seems to me.
The reason we got away with it is that we were already partially solar powered.
Now we are even more solar powered, maybe even enough to power all things after removal of all bullshit jobs and industry.
Law, for example is mostly bullshit industry. Most crime is just poor people trying to make profit.
Give them reasonable free money and they no longer need to commit crime, so most of law enforcement goes redundant, and they won't complain with free money either.
Whoever does it first, whichever country, would hold massive economic value over all others, as they would have the strongest currency. After one starts, we will see a feeding frenzy, it seems to me.
Further after that starts, we will have aligned money with energy, Joules per token, in a way that the system can be engineered using standard Engineering concepts that anyone can learn, and since it is aligned with something physical there can be complete transparency, easily cross-checked for errors.