I agree with youir sentiment, but think we need to be carefeul with terminology. It is a little late to wish the world literally was not "monetised". It has effectively been monetised since we've had mnoney to represent anything that can be claimed ownership of, and bought / sold.
To me it isn't monetisation that is the problem, but profit.
The requirement for all humans individually to profit in life in order to have any kind of survival, means that there are always some humans who can't even have survival. With that system, there will always be humans faced with the choice of whether to save the environment, or other humans, or to eat.
It is a pretty sick system, that requires some humans to be dying, for others to live.
So all humans need to have a source of income which is independent of any requirement to exploit other humans, or the environment.
It turns out that monetisation of sunlight is the way to do that.
Energy, solar energy in particular (The only real source of energy), is uniquely something valuable gifted by a grand donor, additional to the existing stock of "Capital" on Earth.
We currently don't see it as something of value, as no money is issued to represent the product it adds to Earth. So we seriously understate its value and effects, and yet it is a free source of energy from which we now even have the technology to routinely create endless supplies of free green hydrogen fuel, which functionally replace fossil fuels, with none of the pollution, either in production or consumption.
So now the only we reason we continue to extract and consume fossil fuels, is the wish to continue the profit driven business model, by the minority who still profit.
So I would say the problem is not the monetisation of all things, but the lack of true monetisation of sunlight, which is the problem.
I am a technologist myself, concentrating on all subjects affecting this, naming the technology explicitly needed as "Kardashev Engineering". I write a lot about it in Medium, but find the platform does not promote this kind of material, as anything anti-profit, is currently seen as anti-platform.
Hopefully that will change when platforms find a need, or a wish to themselves become solar powered.