Frederick Bott
2 min readJul 21, 2021


I agree with you wholeheartedly on what drives artists, and anyone else who sees their own output as art (Including me).

Da Vinci was an Engineer, as well as an artist.

I am willing to bet he would have considered all of it art.

Truth is we should all see all of it as art, and all have the means to reward for it accordingly.

Where I seem to lose most people is when I talk about the wealth coming from the sun, which is donated to us.

We obviously worship money, or rather the things it can buy.

All of those things were created with energy. all of which was extracted from Earth.

To date, money works on a basis of profit, which requires scarcity to function (Would we buy a glass of water from someone standing next to us under a waterfall?).

So only energy from scarce sources has been compatible with money.

Energy from the capital of Earth.

Hence the zero-sum game of capitalism worked for a while.

But now we burned through more than half the oil supplies in 150 years flat, we can't pretend it can continue forever much longer.

We've been playing a Grand Energy Ponzi, with money.

Now we have to accept that all of it was created in the first place from the free energy of sunlight, and we need to find a way to to use that effectively, by monetising it, and adding it to what was previously the zero-sum box.

That is happening with Bitcoin.

Now we might realise Bitcoin is the authority to create other kinds of non-limited tokens, underwritten by the authority of the sun.

It calculates to around 1MW per Bitcoin.

Each of us could have a small fraction of that, coded to our person, the authority to use that amount of power to create our own forever stream of tokens.

We could then trade our tokens in markets, no longer driven by profit.

Our value then, each of us individuals, in that different world would be based on what others perceive is the value we add.

That would be a fair market to evaluate our art, I believe.

But more importantly, it would be survival of our species.

I hope your story goes well, I will keep an eye out for it :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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