I agree with you, the market is pure fine grained democracy under certain circumstances, and we don’t need corporate profits to drive anything, in fact they are actually damaging, in a way that might be viewed in terms of efficiency, thanks for posting.
If we all have a token representing us, then we all have a sovereign presence in the market, just like companies and governments, and if / when we get that, we might find concentrating on maximising the value of our own personal token more rewarding than working towards maximising the values of the tokens of traditional corporations.
For that, a certain circumstance is necessary, the tokens of all, including those of corporations have to cease to be representations of capital (Work done / energy spent), and instead become tokens of work in progress.
That is happening, driven by markets realising work in progress is potentially more valuable than work done.
That explains why freely issued money goes up in value when it is supported by freely received solar energy.
Freely received solar energy adds to capital of Earth, thus diminishes the value of existing capital.
For evidence of that, we only need to note that it is possible to convert that energy to a free supply of hydrogen, which can be priced per barrel in the same way as oil, which it can directly replace.
Similarly, we see each Bitcoin created by solar energy being replaced by an amount of fiat currency reflecting the amount of energy it took to create the Bitcoin.
When we see that this potentially means the beginning of infinitely issued free money of value, the value of capital diminishes as a consequence.
Why save, if we have guaranteed free money of proven value forever, the issue of which is under our own individual control?
Why even continue to strive for profit, when we might find higher rewards by “Doing good with our own tokens, combining those with others to work in collaboration when concerted efforts are needed?
There we might see the basis for a new kind of collaborative corporation, with no conflicts between self interest, and the interests of the corporation, and further no conflicts between the interests of the corporation, and the interests of humanity.
The first kind of task that type of new community corporation might naturally turn its hand to, would be towards putting the climate problems right.