I agree with you Michael, but I would go a step further and say there appears to be a relationship between the spritual force you mention, and physical energy.
As advanced animals, we appear to be fighting over physical energy.
In our existence to date, we have lived in a mode of de-constructing things that nature created using the energy of the sun.
We do that to extract energy from it (Fuel). But we can only extract a very small amount from anything physical created by nature. If we can’t extract the energy from it, we covet it anyway (Gold, diamonds, money), because ultimately it can usually be exchanged for fuel.
Our financial economy is geared to assist us to do this most effectively, with all capital actually representing stores of energy, monetised, which we then compete/ fight to have posession of.
The work of destruction to extract energy from all things created by nature is negative, with a cumulative negative effect on our environment, resulting in a constant reduction of energy, which is the life force of nature in all things on Earth.
Since we know instinctively this is all from a finite pot, we get more and more hostile towards our fellow humans as it depletes, we grudge other humans their consumption, as ultimately, it subtracts from what we ourselves need to extract.
However, there is an opposite to the destructive / enforce scarcity mode of existence which is available uniquely to us humans.
We can do like nature, creating everything we consume directly from sunlight, with everything beyond what we consume being positive addition to Earth.
The work we do by that is cumulatative and reverses negative work done previously.
But unlike negative work, there is no limit to the amount of positive work which can be done.
We might see this as a kind of investment, where our species firstly has to invest in negative work, for a few thousand years, to build up our numbers and technology to the point where we can most effectively commence working positively.
Then we might notice our financial debt translates directly to a negative work deficit with our planet, which has to be paid back, in order to put everything right.
We detect how deeply indebted we are, both individually and collectively, subconsciously, by our spirituality, it seems to me.
At this moment, we are coming to the mass realisation that we can’t continue in negative work mode much longer.
We are approaching literally the end of days that we can function in negative work mode.
We might see this as the end of an infancy, during which we were dependant on the stored energy of our mother Earth, and the beginning of a new era, where we turn to the live energy of the sun.
The maths I’ve done on the subject indicates that we will move from living on capital, to living on continuously issued free money, reflecting the Joules of sunlight on Earth that we put to use.
With access to effectively infinite free money of value, we will no longer feel jealous of, or covetous of the fortunes of others. That has some very deep implications on the future of a lot of industries including law and order, and government, making us realise none of them are actually needed, they are all what we would define as unnecessary “bullshit industries” (David Graeber), freeing up much of the energy we currently waste on those, and on war, drastically reducing our energy requirements.