I agree with you Graham. If we interpret the messages of religions more abstractly, as encouraged and trained to do with all things to bundle like concepts together by some professions like formal systems Engineering, we start to see some commonalities, that maybe give us a better view of what was meant by common messages. One I see repeated often is the concept of moral good and bad, the former is associated with knowing more about religions, and the latter is ignorance of religions, especially wilfull ignorance. Taken too literally, a lot of harm has been done with those basic rules, but personally I believe we are now at a point when we have to rationalise and take special heed of religions, understanding more about them, because right now, in terms of the Physical system of energy in nature, as far as I can tell, we are at what any religion might define as the end times; an event of ultimatum, for which we have no known history to guide us, except as might exist in religions.
That is partly why I am 100 percent certain that nature appears to be driving us to 100 percent plus solar power.
To me it looks like this will hapoen naturally if we don't try to resist it, but we might need to take some messages in religion more seriously to know what resistance means.
To me it looks like our species is in the process of being born, like a chicken from an egg, a baby from a womb, or plucked from nipple, or a plant, which just formed its first leaves.
It is the process of our removal of our dependence on our mother planet for energy.
This has massive implications on what we thought we knew about all kinds of things, including the origins of ourselves, our planet, and our universe, it seems to me, and is an incredibly exciting time to be alive.
The fly in the ointment, which could abort the whole process, is things like the war in Ukraine, which looks to me like a very bad, potentially fatal reaction to the energy supply disruption, happening as a result of the necessary process of transitioning from the energy of Earth, to the Energy of the sun, like what must happen inside plants, when they do the same.
The internal economy of a plant has to move from something that extracts energy from Earth upwards via all actors, against gravity, to something that transmits the energy of the sun downwards, from leaves to Earth, via all actors.
We maybe never took much account of that historically, but I think it is existentially important we understand it now.
I don't think we would be having the problem in Ukraine, if we respected some of the basic rules of religion more.
Allowing greed to become so powerful that single greedy individuals or small groups of such operating in Cartels can order planetary wars, wasting precious energy resources needed for the birthing process jeapordises the whole possibility of our species transitioning from infancy, it seems to me, we are actually on that path to extinction, our species dying at birth, if we can't come to this realisation as a species.
Perhaps religions are a kind of genetic memory of many previous failed attempts, and what we are experiencing now is a kind of genetic de ja vu, who knows.