I agree with you that interest, or usury as it should still be called imho, has some terrible effects, also on energy. Hoarding wealth and depriving wealth from those who need it most, is effectively also robbing the planet of energy. I see this, as part of the "Grand Energy Ponzi".
But it looks to me like we will actually see an end of it soon, since what is going to be demanded soon, is free money as stimulus, and it will have to be given, like it was before, when many tens of milliions were facing poverty and homelesness without it.
The whole game of money changed profoundly that time it was handed out, mainstream press and economists didn't really make much of the weird but cool things which happened when that 4Tn stimulus was issued per month in the US, including things like the oil price going negative, the only commodity to do so, ever, so far, and the value of the dollar itself went up, whilst gold and even Bitcoin languished.
The banks liked it least of all, I think because they know they nearly lost control.
They will be determined not to issue free money again, to protect the value of capital using the argument of Austrian Economics, which says money should only be issued on the creation of things of value that it can be used to purchase.
Since there appears not much new products or services being created, not even new debt, they will argue that they can't just conjure money out of nowhere. And that would be true, thirty years ago.
But in the last twenty odd years, a new product has been quietly scaling up, upon which so far there has never been money formally issued on.
Sorry for mentioning it yet again, but yep, it is the Joules of solar energy being donated to us from the sun, being put to use by us, so adding them to what we consider as the base of all economic capital, now tens of Giga-Joules per second in every country, never formally acknowledged yet by issue of money.
But the instrument of Austrian Economics is s double edged sword, it cuts both ways. When product is issued, money must be issued to reflect it, otherwise the value of the un-issued money goes down in markets, since the real thing of value is the product, not the money.
And since the energy of the sun is pushed to us for free, a donation requiring no labour per-Joules received, the money reflecting it has to be issued to all people.
The more the product ramps up, with no issue of money reflecting it, the more inflation we see.
Noticing this unique characteristic of solar power is key to understanding its real value. When this is realised, the rush to become wholly solar powered will start for real, and we can't avoid it, for exactly the same reason, it is the only actual source of energy which adds Joules to Earth, from a source not already on Earth, so it is the only sustainable energy source.
So it looks like nature has the money issuers at check, with one move to mate.
The only way they can hope to retain the value in their issued currencies is to issue it, like crazy, when the truth comes out, but when they do that, the value of all capital, including theirs, will crash to near zero.
This is what I believe they really mean, when they say "In the future, you will own nothing".
Maybe true, but neither will they, it seems to me.
Who will bother saving, in the presence of ubiquitous free money? Even better, who will bother charging interest?