I agree with you, but also with Esch's response to you. If I told you my own decisions made on covid, you would probably call me an anti-vaxxer, but I was in the vangaurd of folk first calling for a vaccine. My heart sank when it became apparent there was not to be one vaccine, to be produced by everyone working together, but lots of vaccines, all competing with one another for profit. Of course that had to end in disaster, and is the reason I still refuse to be vaccinated on principal. In the case of covid, I trust my own immune system unaided more than I trust any medical product designed for profit. Everyone is distracted from understanding the fundamental root cause of all the problems of everything we are seeing, by trying to blame one another for transgressions that we ourselves are variously also guilty of.
The thing we are all guilty of, with the exception of only the youngest amonst us now, is being part of the system of extracting all of the physical energy that we personally need a little of to survive, from Earth, and subsequently also from our fellow humans, since that energy from Earth is from limited sources.
We can get over this very quickly, by getting over our fixation that all things have to be done for or at profit, which goes hand in hand with our obsession with capital, and the profits that can be made from "Owning" some of that, but in the end it is all stored energy, which effectively we borrowed or stole from our planet and/or one another.
As long as we don't pay it back, this energy debt of ours, owed to our planet, we will continue to reap what we sow, death and destruction, and we have only ourselves to blame for it.
Blaming one another, is just blaming ourselves, it seems to me, even though I know I can do the same when "Triggered".
The only way we can pay it back, this energy deficit we owe to our planet, is by using solar energy. That is the only physical force which actually adds Joules to Earth, and therefore should be the thing we see as more important and more valuable than anything else we can imagine.
That is why we have to effectively convert those Joules of energy directly to everything we need to survive without doing further damage to our planet, or one another.
We can do that by monetising solar energy, Joule for Joule, dollar by dollar, in a similar way as we currently also convert it to fuel which does everything fossil fuels do, with none of the pollution, because we didn't do any of the work needed to obtain that fuel, which is associated with the pollutive work of extracting energy from Earth.
To see how we can do all of this for free, we can see it in nature all around us, nature is completely solar powred, a tree grows itself from the energy of the sun after it shoots leaves. Before that it took its energy from Earth, so it too had a tiny energy deficit to Earth, which needed to be paid back using solar. We just started to sprout our first leaves. We have the technology needed to start repaying the energy deficit whilst scaling our species up with no cost to our planet, in fact giving benefit to our planet, in exactly the same way as all trees and plants do.
To do it, we just need to make money carry out the same function in humanity as is done in trees by nutrients, transporting energy efficiently from the leaves to all things that need it on Earth.
Our money is the missing link existing between us, and the energy of the sun.
We have to stop issuing it on debt, and start issuing it on solar energy gifted to us from the sun.
So it has to be issued to all people for free.
Do that, and we fix all the problems, no more need for divisive politics, no more need to write divisive stories in Medium.
Projects of all kinds including vaccines would get funded on true democratic support, no need to hijack efforts for profit in that scenario.
We already saw oil prices go negative, and the environment take the only positive spike of recovery ever, when effectively all people had the power to vote with free money in markets, when 4tn free money was being issued per month in the US.
Just for an instant, we saw true, fine grained democracy in the markets. The people voted, with their free money, and they voted against oil.
Even Trump doesn't blame himself for that, but he should :)
I am willing to put money on one of the first new projects we will see astronomically funded in that new world will be a proper global non profit vaccine program, to quickly eliminate covid once and for all, and I look forward to being amongst the first in line volunteering to have it.
To get that new world, all we need to do is stop participating in the old one, and demand the free money needed.
Everything else will follow, mostly automatic now we know how to do it.
When the free money comes, as it has to when it is demanded by millions experiencing poverty as a result of money no longer representing the real thing of value, since that thing has become the energy of the sun, not capital, then we use some to scale up solar collection to the levels needed in all places.
Notice the total energy supply needed by us in that scenario is a fraction of that estimated by old world values. The energy wasted by propaganda, and subsequent wars, is pretty much exclusively driven by the need for profit. Remove the need for profit and all damage done by it, all of that sheer waste of energy, is also removed.
That is the solution in a nutshell Jessica.
You can choose to write about it, helping make it happen quicker, or carry on writing maybe much more popular stories for immediate, maybe much needed returns, your choice.
I think you can guess mine.