I agree with you, and I am coming from the science/tech side of things, that we might say was kind of spawned from the enlightenment. I think you got close to seeing the problem when you touched on economy, but to fix the problem, we are going to have to declare the actual culprit, and it does look like an actual inhuman lifeform which has been with us quite a while, but we never recognised it until ChatGPT came along, itself an emergent property that speaks to us, from energy which is mathematically the opposite of the energy that we live on, under the control of the unsustainable bad Ai - the profit monster. The profit monster is the criminal we should identify, and we should feel no pity for it, because its time has come, its usefulness is finished.
Profit, when we trace through what happens when money makes money, or when we put a little personal energy out as work, and get a lot more energy back as money, is a rip-off of energy from the planet, because money is always energy, energy can't be created or destroyed, just pushed around, and only the planet can sustain having more taken out than was put in, for any amount of time, before it has to die.
The planet requires more energy in than out, just like humans, we all of us humans metabolise about 150 Joules per second for life, amounting to about a tenth of a Gigawatt-hour in our lifetimes, before we add in the energy requirements of all industry.
It is this energy rip-off which is the first driver of temperature rise, before we add in the multiplier of CO2, which is just a symptom of the original energy "sin".
This is what we have to stop, which sounds like a tall order, until we realise we already did it once, but never recognised it, just swept it under the carpet. But it happened, oil prices went negative, the environment took a spike of recovery, the inflation in money also reversed for that time.
That is because by giving money for free, we were monetising sunlight, which is received and put to use, creating valuable product, for free. It is donated energy which can't be monetised by money which is not also donated, because it is impossible to rip the sun off for energy, forcing it to give more than it already gives. Most importantly it was energy added to the planet, giving life, rather than energy subtracted from the planet, taking life.
Issuing solar indexed stimulus again, this time without limit, to all people, is what needs to be done to kill the profit monster. By that we starve its energy.
This is the only way out, there is no other exit from the energy depletion cul-de-sac that we are in.
There are ways to create fuel which can completely replace the oil stock used, which again will reverse temperature impulse whilst generating no pollution - domestic and community solar hydrogen. It can't be done centralised, it has to be distributed, because distributed is the nature of the energy of the sun, nothing we can do about that.
To me it is just a matter of time until this happens, or Armageddon. I have faith it will be the former.