I agree with you, and I agree with Scott. Israel is the one now committing the ultimate criminal deed that signals emphatically they will never agree to any deal. They are defying the highest court, appointed to identify when a country has committed or is committing a crime in the eyes of the world. Is the US going to continue standing by them with that? Would you personally, even with your own life?
That is what Israel is counting on, that you, and we in UK will put our own lives on the line for, all of us in each country, to back them up in atrocity. If we do that, it will be against the wishes and interests of the entire rest of the world.
This time, we would be on the wrong side, and we'd lose, even if the world somehow survives what will probably be an all-guns-out nuclear showdown.
Personally I think we should cut things short and warn clearly we will not stand by criminal atrocity, actually we will oppose it, like we did last time, on behalf of the people oppressed, who probably would have been wiped out by now if we hadn't.
I hope they are grateful that our hearts were on the right side, and they should separate from and distance themselves from the criminals this time also.