I agree with so many of the points you've made here, except the one about nuclear power, we really need to snap out of thinking forlornly its any kind of solution, it would just be another nail in the coffin of a dead planet, if we go back to thinking nuclear is any kind of solution.
I explain why in the post linked below. I know you are more technical than the average reader, so should make you aware that understanding why its true, requires we also realise that CO2 is a distraction, the blanket effect of it does not mean much in the atmosphere, because the latter is adiabatic, there can be no temperature rise due to blanket effects, what we are measing with temperature is a direct measure of destruction, the state of increase of entropy. Its masked by all business for profit, profit is the culprit of all the lies and deception, that we mostly repeat wihout realising it.
A basic rule of thumb is, if it is for profit, then it can't be good, it really can't, we have more or less full systemic proof of this now.