I agree with most of your thoughts experessed on altruism, the trouble is, you seem to be throwing in a blunderbuss of what looks like altruistic opinion that looks to me like unimaginitive belief that technology isn't the answer. There is such a thing as technology done solely for the benefit of humanity, there are people, even formerly highly paid professionals, working voluntarily to fix the problem, which actually has a simple but radical technological fix.
I guess you would probably dismiss my own voluntary work of the past almost six years as something I intend to profit from, but it isn't.
The truth is science has made a fundamental mistake about energy, by not explicitly expressing the mathematical sign of it from various "sources", when in fact there is only one source, which we if correctly assign as positive, and all the others negative, propagates to a completely different economy and result, no longer can solar be bundled with "Renewables", for example, thus its value be diluted or confused, and money issued as debt be confused as in any way ennumerating solar, rather than just energy by extraction. Solar requires direct ennumeration by issue of money signed to indicate it represents solar product, and when this is done, there can be no illusion this money is not due to the public. Of course they will use to create and maximise whatever local domestic or community solar facilities apply to them.
As to how this relates to nature, it would be money coming to perform a similar function as the nutrients in plants, which have to be issued within the plant to transport the Joules received by its leaves to Earth.
In that mode, humanity becomes something creatively adding to Earth, in a similar way as plants, but like "plants on steroids". After that, we will no longer be worried about the population being a destructive load on Earth, because we will have moved our dependendency to the environment beyond Earth, resulting in all our exhaust output being things beneficial to Earth, rather than things damaging to Earth.
Notice this is similar to anything being born, it removes its burden from its mother host, becoming something that benefits the host thereafter.
Can there ever be too many plants on Earth?