I agree with most of what you've said here, but seeing it systemically, we have to identify how sustainable it will be in terms of energy, otherwise it is all academic, none of it will happen either way, the planet is already starting to burn.
When look into that it becomes apparent that currently we are in a fully destructive mode, systematically destroying the planet for energy, all of this in turn is systemically dependent on profit.
Moving to the only energy source which doesn't come from Earth requires we give up profit.
That changes things considerably. Issue of money for free has to be done to monetise solar energy.
So no-one will be forced to work as we did before just to survive.
Further, all activity of humans using solar power does the opposite of what our activity on extracted energy dies, it adds energy to Earth in forms other than heat, which otherwise would have heated Earth. So actually we can't do much wrong on solar.
The financial inflation we are already seeing is happening because we do not monetise solar product already put to use in the economy.
Economists argue otherwise but they actually don't know enough about physics to be qualified to say.
So we will carry on watching money devalue to nothing until common sense and acceptance finally comes around.
Long and short of it is that everyone, that is everyone who survives, will indeed be idle rich, but only idle if they / we choose to be.
I hope this might help clarify some questions.
You can find proof with data in the stories of my profile if you are interested to know more.