I agree with most of what you said here, except, we are nowhere near integrated enough, as long as we have inter-country, inter-cultural divisions which are being stoked by those with the power to divide and profit from.
By metcalfe's law, we can see that the power to sanction, cancel, isolate, divide up, can never result in anything beneficial to the whole, the ideal is no divisions, just one unified, connected whole.
Metcalfe's law should be elevated to statutory imho, no more cancellation / barring of foreign news media etc, if we ever see this (Elevation of Metcalfes law to statutory), then we will know we have defeated the real enemy, the negative, slave driving, planet destroying emergent property associated with us all working for profit.
Until then we are going to have to put up with deception and lies from every direction, because know it or not, most of us have to do this just to live, until the tyranny of it is ended, the only way it can be ended, by monetising thus rewarding creation, instead of always monetising thus rewarding destruction.
The question for each of us individually is will we even survive it.
Its big, this thing, biblically big. The end of days actually. All we can know for sure is the good side will win, the side of creation and truth has to always win in physics, over lies and destruction, but will we individually live to see it... who knows.