Frederick Bott
2 min readFeb 11, 2022


I agree we must act to support one another rather than to try to destroy one another. But to do that, surely we have to ditch all forms of commons for profit.
If the world really was a finite pot of resources, that would be a tall order.
But it is not limited.
We might think it is limited due to the way we treat the world economically, but the cirrent economic model has a fundamental error which was insignificant until we started using solar power.
Solar power is the only actual source of energy, it comes from off-planet, and is donated to us. When we use it, as we are starting to do, we are taking Joules of energy which are capable, with our ingenuity, of being converted to all things including all kinds of matter and even fuel, with no pollution in either their production or consumption.
So there we see product created from something endlessly donated, being added to the world pot, but we do not formally reflect this by issuance of money in our economy.
That is a violation of Austrian Economics theory, it seems to me.
When we fix that error, the commons truly becomes free, as everyone has a UBI to buy what they need, therefore no reason to rely on or feed off of others.
So by that we can finally be united as a species, it seems to me.
With that done, we will very quickly find ways to reward one another for creating various schemes and devices carrying out the work of putting riight some of the damage done to the planet, all by solar power.
The massive power savings we will make by removing Bullshit jobs and industries which currently depend on exploiting one another, and our planet, need to be taken into acvount when looking at the real solar economic case.
EROI is something to avoid, it locks us into thinking only in terms of extracted power, it can’t be applied when solar energy is used to maintain, scale, and replicate its own collection infrastructure.
I’ve identified this subject as a new discipline of Systems Engineering, here in Medium, as "Kardashev Engineering" . The basic structure demonstrating the principle I’ve called "the Money-Fuel tree" , but could probably less controversially be known as a "Kardashev Tree" . Money generated by the scheme is "Kardashev Money".
I would be interested to hear your comments on any of those stories.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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