Frederick Bott
3 min readNov 23, 2020


I agree technology is the solution, but maybe not in the same way as you might expect.

The key technology that seems vastly underestimated, and misunderstood, is solar power.

The ever growing world debt is most easily understood when it is realised that it actually represents an energy debt to our planet.

With the exception of the still historically negligible contribution of solar power to date, that debt is fully interchangeable with world energy consumption, scaled by energy market prices.

It is effectively an IOU to our planet, for the energy originally given to our planet by the sun for free, taken out by us using the mechanism of profit.

It can continue to get bigger, for a while, but the only way it can ever be paid back down, is by the free energy of the sun, via effective implementation of solar energy.

Doing that, appears key to our survival, firstly to prevent and reverse environmental damage, but further, to remove our dependency to date on the illusion of scarcity, which currently enables the mechanism of profit, with all of the associated human collateral damage.

There is no scarcity, as evidenced by the energy which continues to be deposited on Earth for free by the sun.

So there is no need, or excuse, for continuing to operate as a zero-sum, discrete transactional economy of controlled scarcity.

A real power of Bitcoin appears to be to expose this fact.

The things of value obtained from Bitcoin, as well as the obvious distributed ledger technology, are for now, the historical data indicating which conditions vs rate of token generation resulted in the highest market values, and in the future, the solar power infrastructure that will be released from being dedicated to token generation after the entire possible token stock has been generated.

In the same way as electrical power, the actual value of currency is realised when it is spent, rather than when it is saved.

The two things are directly interchangeable, and can be analysed in flows in exactly the same way as fluid flow systems, like the veins and arteries seen in the body of any living creature.

So, after the generation of all Bitcoin tokens is complete, the Bitcoin currency has to become largely redundant, becoming a historical artifact of scarcity.

Not many will agree with me on that point yet, for sure, but that disbelief is what will draw in the larger conventional financial institutions intent on maintaining the old system of scarcity, at all costs.

In that respect, Bitcoin appears something of a beartrap.

The currency of the future, is likely to be per-person distributed ledger, which generates an unlimited number of tokens per person at a universal stationary pace, throughout their lifetime, marketed in the markets, where those markets are no longer invested in, as no-one will be interested in profit since they will be trading with their own free money, they will be donating instead, in the things they believe in.

All projects and individuals will be supported by all people channeling their own funds towards the causes and individuals they see as most important to them.

In that way, every individual becomes both a subscriber and a provider of services, in a market based, service-oriented architecture, via the markets, a continuously flowing donation based economy of abundance, all sourced from the energy of the sun.

That is absolute, fine grained, decentralised democracy, and the end of scarcity, and profit.

We saw a glimpse of it when a new breed of traders, trading with free money, entered the markets and “Invested” in a load of things which sent conventional investors, including Warren Buffet, running for the hills.

Well known and yet technically “bankrupt” company shares soared, with the law being changed to allow that strange phenomenon to continue, oil prices went negative for the first time in history, gold and bitcoin prices languished and the currency of the stimulus went up in value, instead of down, as was conventionally expected.

We also saw a brief spike of recovery in the environment at the same time.

The future I’ve described might seem a long way off, if even possible.

But we only need to remember there are already many tens of millions in a new, ever growing population of people, the majority, with no incomes by the old system, which is being decimated most rapidly by the economic effects of pandemic.

Pretty soon, we will be homeless, and hungry, as a species.

There is only one answer.

It starts with the issue again of massive stimulus, which has to continue, forever.

Everything else falls into place, automatically.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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