I agree oil is only a small part of the picture.
Capital, all capital, including oil, is formed from the energy of the sun, and as long as we only account for, and put value in capital, aligning money with that, neglecting that it was sunlight that created it, all of it, a long time ago, that same sunlight is gonna increasingly burn our asses, literally.
As a systems Engineer, I recognise this as a classic systems Engineering problem.
The sun, and the Earth have always been considered as separate subsystems, when in fact one is heavily dependent on the other, and all interactions need to be considered as a system of the two combined.
A simple relationship exists between the two; Energy goes from the sun to Earth.
When we miss that, we fall into the illusion wealth is created on Earth.
It isn’t, it is actually created in the sun, in the form of energy, the only source of energy.
To fix the problem, we have convert some of that energy which is now burning us into valuable work done on the planet.
The only way of ensuring that is done, is to reward for it, by aligning money with the energy of the sun, so that money comes to represent that, instead of capital.
The Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge phenomenon, that I wrote about in another story, seems to be the silver bullet by which it is actually happening.
P.S. At risk of sounding like I might be mansplaining, as a male offering advice to a female, I would beware of using words like “Hereafter”, in some contexts, it can sound a little like dictatorial wishful thinking, if forceful, when what is needed are just self supporting statements of observation. Not always easy, and I am definitely not the most successful with it…