I agree money has to change, but not in any way that perpetuates capitalism in any shape or form.
By capitalism I mean the phenomenon that value is put in capital, when actually, putting value in capital should be seen as something harmful.
That is a completely apolitical definition, it has nothing to do with right or left, or any identification that tries to align capitalism as somehow the opposite of communism.
All political sides to date practice it, and it is highly arguable how much benefit it has brought humanity, when there has been nothing to compare it with for many thousands of years.
I would argue the heroes of your story are no different.
The basic flaw seems to be that the illusion of value in capital leads to the illusion that the resources available to us as a species are bound in capital, that is we subconsciously believe there is a finite pot of all things, therefore we compete eternally, literally to the death, over everything, absolutely everything.
Obviously that leads to extinction.
Banks are only possible because of it.
Equating money to a piece of gold, or barrel of oil, or any other static constant is at the heart of it.
By that, since its actual real time value is actually zero, we invite all possibilities of its value being manipulated.
Thousands of years of cruelty to one another over it seem to have blinded us to seeing that illusion for what it really is, an illusion.
Many of us work in technical fields where we need to apply the physics of energy to make things work, and still we are blind to it.
An electrical lamp only emits light when the energy passes through it and is converted to light. The light is the thing of value, not the lamp, and the value only exists when the lamp is switched on.
All of the energy which created the ingeneous device of the lamp, came from the sun, and was given for free, so in theory the lamp costs nothing to make, and yet we have to pay to have its utility.
The value of creating the lamp actually was realised at the time it was created. The genius inventing it was rewarded forever after its creation, rightly so, but not until after it has been witheld for a ransom.
When we see some of that, is when we start to see the solution, I think.
Money should only work in a way that is geared to the dynamic conversion of energy, not the storage of energy.
Money should not have any kind of relation to static quantities, it should actually represent an energy flow, rather than an amount of energy stored.
That might be becoming so, in the form of things like Bitcoin, in spite of what Bitcoin claims to be by its design.
Bitcoin is actual work done, by actual energy, rather than work promising to be done, by humans.
It encodes energy in process of conversion as long as it is being produced, and in doing so, makes available ever increasing capacity of the real thing of value; the energy of the sun.
Anyone can read more in my story of a “Kardashev hinge”, just search for that here in Medium if you are interested to know more.
Bonus: stated here before there; time itself has value which is not realised by money as capital.