I agree its very bad news that they are looking to dig deeper in fossil fuels.
You probably know by now I think we should just cut to the chase and go all out for 100% domestic and community hydrogen.
I know lots of folk think that is not practical, inefficient, expensive, yada yada.
But if what you are producing is for free after you put in the infrastructure for it in the domestic and communities that apply to you, you should realise it is self expandable, revenue from what was sold previously can be used to scale up, and get even more revenue.
I think there might be a case for approaching aerospace for funding for this.
This looks like the only way they are going to be able to keep planes in the air (I mean existing real planes that carry hundreds of folk for thousands of miles).
Nothing else will do that, given we have to get rid of fossil fuels, and actually anything that doesn't burn clean.
Further, noticing Bill's comment here, is it becoming clear to everyone yet that profit depends on difficulty of energy extraction?
I hope so.
The for profit economy has to go, in order to stop the damage.
Profit is the energy con that ties us into forever heating the planet by removing things from it and converting them to heat, most of it wihout us even realising, we never account for the energy lost to heat in the work of extraction and refinenement.
Hence why nuclear is hopeless Will.
The heat lost in refinement of nuclear materials to the point of use is huge. This is in addition to the seven years of construction work it takes to build a nuclear installation.
It is ironic that the main criticism of hydrogen is efficiency of use. 50% is lost to heat in the compression of it to point of use. But if the energy that created it came from the sun, this is energy that would have heated if we didn't do anything with it. So we can never do more damage than would be done if we didn't use the energy. Notice we are not using that energy much, and we removed a large part of nature that used to use it.
No need to look any further than that for root cause - CO2 is a multiplier of this, a symptom, not a cause, hence why science has never fixed the problem.
That should ring some bells with anyone who was watching the covid fiasco. We always address symptoms for profit, never root cause, because if we fixed the cause we remove all possibilities of making profit - see how it works?