I agree, I am not religious in the usual sense, but have found parallels in many religions, this looks like the beginning of armageddon, and it can go two ways, one incredibly good and the other incredibly bad.
I have hope that already the youngest adult generation seem to know more than all the previous, though we don't hear their voice much (apart from Greta!), they are quietly taking notes and seeing the solution, as far as I can tell from my own teenage daughter and her friends.
I am a long practicing model based Systems Engineer, and can see the technical solution to the way out, having followed a path for a number of years now, the challenge is how to present the information in a way that it is quickly recognised as the truth, and acted on.
The solution involves converting money to represent energy rather than capital. It is happening already, but we can short circuit the otherwise slow transition, by formally recognising the physics around it and practicing some appropriate Engineering.
We might call the new era Energyism, instead of capitalism, though it transcends politics.
At the heart of it, is how a tree works, with a detailed mathematical model of the energy flows.
That done, we see how to extend it to show how the energy flows of all of nature work. The same model applies with some tweaking of parameters to all plant types, multiplied as appropriate to represent all biomass, and the effects of that.
Further, we see how to physically Engineer the human equivalent of it, the "Money-fuel Tree", which does for humanity what the plants do for all of nature, with money coming to perform the same purpose as nutrients in nature, supplying energy to all of life, all sourced from the sun.
Then we notice by a system of energy levels throughout nature, there are two ways of using energy, one destructive / negative / subtractive, and the other other creative / positive / additive.
Nature always uses it creatively, by using the energy of the sun.
In our history so far we've mostly used it negatively, by extracting it from matter created by nature, destroying what nature created.
But now we can see that if we use it positively then we can create positively alongside nature, supplementing and complementing, and even replacing what we used negatively previously, by using the energy of the sun directly to create money flows and clean fuel, which are our human equivalents of nutrients in nature.
I call the subject "Kardashev Engineering".
With that implemented, we will realise wars are in the past, I believe.
Not long now, hopefully.