I agree, humans need to survive, for the same reason as plants need to survive after they start to form leaves, and individual humans need to survive after they are born. Humanity just formed its first leaves, in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
Our job after we move entirely to more of those, is to add value to our nurturing mother entity, in the case of humanity as a collective; Earth.
When our energy requirements move from the planet, to the environment of the planet, as does the energy of anything born, then we can start cooking with gas - hydrogen gas, replacing fossil fuels with none of the pollution, and no worries of cost or effeciency since the energy supplying it is free, and freely scaleable, hydrogen coming also with side benefits of cleaning the air, and our drinking water, and activating single cell bioreactors creating food, alll from sunlight (See "Solein)., relieving our burden from our mother planet.
I do believe in nature. We only have to use some formal systems Engineering to see it at work.
From the Systems Analysis, a rule of nature appears, it looks somthing like this:
"Nature is the grand authority. Her currency is energy. There is only one issuer and enforcer of it, the sun. We have to use it, or burn".
Is formal Systems Engineering, of the same kind (see "INCOSE") that designs spaceships, aircraft, submarines, and all the other nice complex systems, applied to nature, just a "House of cards"?