I agree completely with most of what you are saying, but as to whether or not a solution exists, I know there does exist a technical solution; domestic and community based solar hydrogen, backed by a solar indexed UBI economy, but we are unlikely to take it if we don't know it exists.
For sure we seem to have no known history of dealing effectively with this kind of threat.
But maybe we do, if we somehow tap into what nature knows, what life knows,( I know I am clutching at straws here, hoping the message can be put across) having done the Systems Engineering to satisfy myself I know the solution, the challenge seems to be to get everyone else understanding it, and it might be that spirituality that collective consciousness of the solution is what is needed, the only way the majority will latch onto what needs to happen for survival of the species, and actually all life depending on us making the right decision now, to end our dependence on extracting the energy we need from the planet, moving this to the sun.
It doesn't seem like a big deal, and technically it isn't, it's just another engineering challenge to implement the system needed, but the big issue is people not understanding it, not wanting to change, or understanding why we need to change especially those still enjoying any kind of "High life" they maybe think they won't have any of that after we make the needed change, but if we do what is necessary now before more damage is done, not only will the quality of their high life increase, but we will all have something like it, the luxury of a world no longer in the grips of humanity running full trot in destructive mode, but a world which is assisted by humanity in full on creation mode, powered by the sun, this would have the effect of winding back all the damage done, we would have moved to working in tandem with the photosynthetic action of nature by becoming part of it, enhancing it, instead of placing an impossibly high load on its output.
We could have that very quick if we decided we want it as a population, it's a matter of maybe a year or two to implement it, constrained only by how quick we (Chna!) can manufacture the required equipment.
It would start as soon as we announce the beginning of solar indexed stimulus, because that would immediately incentivise and empower us to start doing the implementation, and that would be the beginning of a new era of money as energy, aligning perfectly with nature, for which energy has always been it's currency.
I spoke previously about a game that might ease us into this mode of being, but it seems a little like a chicken and egg question; where will the resources for the game development come from, if not by solar indexed stimulus? There wouldn't be any traditional profit that could be offered to investors, in fact we'd be saying this will be the end of value of all "Old money", what they would get in return would be tokens of the new mathematically positive world, which everyone would get in any case, so traditional investors would view thus as a crazy idea, not something they would invest in, but I wonder if the public would prefer to have a new world, or oblivion as you rightly warn is coming with nothing changed.
I echo your sentiment, this summer is going to be hell in the Northern Hemisphere.