I agree Bitcoin will probably turn out to save the day, but maybe for a different reason than expected, it turns out that Bitcoin might be the thing that delivers to us a solar powered world, if so, the total complement of solar power divided by the stock of Bitcoin which will have been minted when that time comes, will give us a value of around one Megawatt of solar power per Bitcoin.
Bitcoin will be unique in that, no other crypto could lay claim to implementation of solar (especially now since Eth has gone over to Ponzi proof of stake)
All companies (stocks and shares), governments, and central banks have their own currencies (fiat), offered in markets, but individuals don’t, yet.
Holdings of Bitcoin would be a simple proof of authorisation to allocate power, since it would all be solar, even the power in our sockets at home, including to continuously generate personal proof of work crypto tokens, forever, to offer in markets, if we so wished.
Then all people could offer their own proof of work tokens in the market, where others could buy them with their own.
That would provide an incentive for every human to be rewarded for “Doing good”, in the eyes of a non profit market.
Non profit market forces would naturally regulate how much Bitcoin each individual should have, I believe, as this would be reflected in the value of their issued tokens.
So there would be three types of money;
- Conventional fiat and shares, which are issued on government and business reputation, freely printed as we can see, and Bitcoin, which after all minting has stopped (when we realise full solar power), acts as the gateway, authorising the continous manufacture and issue of proof of work forever tokens for all people, the third kind of money, backed by the power of the sun.
It could be that banks and governments would migrate to the third kind, if their services were still needed, in a world no longer driven by profit, so no longer at war with itself, so no longer motivated to keep competing to extract the energy from Earth.
Capitalists, ie those who currently exercise power by wielding capital, including in the form of Bitcoin holdings, won’t like the sound of this, but what will they choose, now that the choice is to allow all people to be empowered to begin repairing our planet, or for us all just to burn on a planet deprived of its natural share of the energy of the sun?
Inflation isn’t an issue if we are not worried about capital losing its clout, we should consider what is important is only the value of our currencies in the market, relevant to others.