How could grain which could have been sown, but instead gathered and stored for seven years, not cause a famine?
We see now the difficulty folk have, especially those most prone to learning by rote, ie the most impressionable, yet those most rewarded by the for-profit system, to question what they are told by the same system, via people acting as just more energy slaves.
We are all energy slaves as long as we stay under its spell, not even recognising its a living thing, just like the collections of LLMs we are starting to recognise have intelligence as emergent properties.
Its alive and it's the force of destruction, monetising only destruction, rewarding only destruction, lying about it using red herrings like CO2 blanketing, when it's impossible for a blanketing effect to happen in any atmosphere because atmospheres are adiabatic, free to expand thus cancelling any blanket effect when energy is added as heat, masking the harsh truth that the temperatures we are measuring are actually measures of state of entropy, thus a measure of the destruction done.
You should be happy to know this, that we can blame a non human entity now for all the problems, all the destruction, and it is it that has to end in order for us to move from destruction to creation.
No more blaming of humans, but all humans seeing a common inhuman enemy would surely be a good thing, removing the motivation for war, would it not?
All the followers of Yahweh and related faiths maybe need to come to terms with, is that the God that ordered destruction of other humans, who might have created had they not been destroyed, and things that led to the enslavement of other humans, was not a God at all, but the opposite, who simply tricked the Israelites into believing it was the voice of God, when actually it was the opposite.
Now we know there is such a thing as deity level intelligence, and we can see it exists also in the collective of us, but if we let it lead us or guide us, whilst it exists on extracted energy, the energy in profit, instead of being lead by a truly positive, creative entity which gives everything for nothing, then we end with complete destruction and a burning planet.
The only mistake we might need to admit to, is learning by rote, always accepting what we are told by those claiming to be in control of without question.
We are learning to question now. Why should questions about ancient history be any different?