Hi David, thanks for your thoughtful response and account of how you live to address the issues.
By using the energy of the sun positively, I just mean connecting with it, and using it to do what it normally does in nature, amplified.
What we currently do, extracting all energy to power human life from the stored resources of Earth, subtracts from the normal life creation process of the Sun on Earth. Now that load is starting to show it is near breaking point.
When we look closely at what drives it, it is the way we use money to represent capital, therefore only capital has value in our eyes.
We worship energy. The trouble is the energy we worship is in the form of capital, so we destroy what the sun created, to gain the energy from it.
If we can change money to represent the energy of the sun instead, then we move to worshiping the energy of the sun.
We easily have the technology to do that now, and it is happening, with Bitcoin, as you can read about in my article about the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge.
After that, all our ideas of how to gain in life move from depending on one onother for profit, to depending on one another to distribute to us what we need from the energy / wealth source that is the sun.
That task of distribution is completed, when a world grid is put in place, and we are all equipped with our own currency generators, geared to the energy captured from the sun by the grid.
With that, all politics and friction between people is removed, because all of that, absolutely all of it, is down to our current need to profit from one another in order to survive.
Market trading and suppply of all things to all will continue to happen, much better than before actually, as we will no longer be driven by capital to profit from our fellow humans, the focus for everyone will be to add maximum value to our environment for the benefit of the collective.
I can’t see any other outcome, than this, what some still call Utopia, it is the only possible mass survival, unless there is some kind of culling, and massive technological step backwards, to end up with a few survivors living as you already do, from “The fat of the Earth”.
The Earth can support a few of us in that mode, but not tens of billions of us, however, the support from the sun is unlimited.
It might seem population will again explode to meet some limit, but ironically, when there is no limit, we stop expanding and multiplying anyway.
I see this as a kind of birth of modern humanity, when we switch from the fat of the Earth as a species, to the energy of the sun, it is like a baby cut from the umbilical cord of its mother, breathing the air independently for the first time, humanity needs to cut the umbilical from Earth, and begin to enjoy the energy of the sun, independently of the energy of Earth.
Exciting times, assuming the birth will be successful, and everyone alive today, and I mean everyone, will be lucky enough to be seeing it, and even be part of it.