Frederick Bott
8 min readJun 22, 2022


Hi Andrew, OK I don't know how much you've seen of this in my other stories (I have about 270 now, written over 5 years).

For me it has been a revelation doing a formal system analysis of the energy system of nature.

One of the most profound things which came out, is how our economy has to change to adapt to it. When we see how this works, we realise that going to solar is inevitable, sooner or later, because it is the only actual source of energy, all other things are fuel.

Fuel always requires effort to extract a little of the energy that created it, back out, with the remainder comprising toxic pollution.

If we say that the work done by nature to create the fuel is something positive, then it follows that the work we do to undo what nature created is negative (Destruction).

Compare with hydrogen that we create ourselves from sunlight.

Firstly there is no pollution by our creation of the hydrogen.

Then we notice there is no pollution in our deconstruction of it either.

That is because we created the hydrogen ourselves.

So there we see fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution in its entire lifecycle.

Further, the energy from the sun was pushed to us, we didn't have to do any work to obtain it, other than create an interface for it to flow through to us.

So, we got fuel which has no cost to the environment, and no cost for us to receive, beyond the solar farm initial outlay.

You mentioned that we treat solar farms as if they have a lifetime.

True, but the knowledge I just stated above about hydrogen fuel changes everything, when it is formally accepted and acknowledged.

That fuel is an economic product, which can be sold the instant it starts to be produced.

Anyone owning and appreciating a solar farm productin hydrogen will very quickly realise that the farm no longer has a lifetime, it can be maintained indefinately, at zero cost, and even scaled up at zero cost, by directing some of the revenue from sales of hydrogen towards maintenance and expansion of the farm. Panels nearing end of life do not all fail together, they fail one by one, so they can be replaced one by one, and so can any other physical component in the farm.

That is why I call a hydrogen equipped solar farm a money-fuel tree.

Further, you might know a little about cryptocurrencies.

If the load on the solar farm is shared between cryptocurrency production and hydrogen then if follows that whatever power is not used by one will be used by the other.

Right there we see proof of the value of cryptocurrency, it is physically exchangeable for fuel both in markets and in the exchange of energy.

Further, we realise that whatever use the solar power is put to is solar product; work done with solar. That is an indisputable physical product, which by our current economic system, is being accepted and put to use, but we see no formal issue of money refllecting it.

Remember the Austrian Economic principle that money issued should reflect product?

It is usually used to justify not printing money, because before the advent of solar, there quite often was no product, when no obvious production could be seen.

But now there are solar farms, there is constant physical production. It doesn't matter if it heats someones domestic water, or if it generates hydrogen, or cryptocurrency, it is all work done by solar.

And as we are scaling it up now to gigawatts in every country, that is a lot of product not being monetised.

Now the part which I guess will be toughest for banks to accept; the only way it can be monetised, is for money to be issued for free, to all people, because the energy was received for free, really for free, at no cost to the environment whatsoever, and at no cost to receive it, flowing into our system. Since it is effectively forever, the initial outlays from the fossil fueled economy are quickly made insignificant, relative the continuously flowing, high value power coming in.

The effect of that, is to dilute all capital.

The capital of Earth can no longer be considered constant, it is now something physically expanding.

The more solar capacity we create, the greater that effect.

Again we might notice this is incredibly similar to the way a tree works, it absorbs some energy from Earth capital in the form of nutrients, to push itself up as a shoot to the point it sprouts leaves, then the energy flow within the shoot changes direction fom upwards (the opposite of the direction of energy from sun to Earth - negative) to downwards ( ths same direction as the energy of sun to Earth - positive), after the shoot has sprouted leaves, then nutrients flow from leaves to Earth thereafter, for the life of the tree.

We have just started to sprout our human equivalent of leaves, in the form of those solar farms, all over Earth.

So we should realise our world is not ending as we might have thought, but it is actually changing to a very different world of the future.

Will most people like to have free money, assured for all time in the future?

Of course they will.

Only those currently enjoying privelige by "ownership" of capital will maybe not feel best about allowing all people to enjoy similar privelige as they have, for thousands of years, but they are only a tiny minority, becoming less all the time.

It is only a matter of time until this is officially accepted, because the inflation we are seeing is actually due to the fact we are not issuing money reflecting the Joules of energy from the sun.

Solar power is in process of breaking the old economy of capitalism, forever, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it, it unless we wish to stop the world turning, literally.

The physical energy being received from the sun is already in process of overwhelming all capital, but we have not reflected that by the issue of money, that is the reason the money is slipping from representing capital.

It is coming to represent flowing energy from the sun, token by token, Joule by Joule.

It now longer represents physical capital like gold (Potential work), but actual flowing energy, actual work in progress.

We are moving from capitalism, to energyism.

Instead of being concerned with how many tokens we have, in the future we might be more concerned with the rate of flow of tokens we have coming in.

Those are moving to carry out the same function in our human economy, as nutrients have always done do in nature.

Nature is the real authority, the only one with the authority to take life, and rule humanity, and even end it, if she pleases.

If someone presses a nuclear button which ends everything, it still won't have been humanity that ended itself, it will have been nature, by the depletion of useful energy maneuvering us into this position. A nuclear war itself would be a final consequence of energy depletion, just as covid was, cancer is, diabetes is, slavery is, racism is, gender warfare is, profiteering itself is, it was all meant to happen, a natural consequence on our path to learning the truth about energy, as a species. Extinction just means we just didn't learn quick enough.

Energy is the currency of nature, she insists we use it, and she is the only issuer of it.

See how religious that sounds.

We can only conclude that's because it is religious.

We might start to realise this is what religion was all along, and these are the end times, the final ultimatim is with us, take it or leave it.

Nature is god, she plays chess with us, and she is one move from mate.

If I am honest, I can't believe the ruling elites are unaware of this.

I think they know very well this is what is happening, and they are doing everything they can to try to make things somehow happen differently, like by playing with interest rates, but maybe they are not clever enough to realise this is a one way hyper-object, they might as well try to regulate a waterfall, whilst we've all been starved of water for thousands of years, and we are all standing under it.

Nature has the controllers / scarcity enforcers well and truly beaten, it seems to me.

Now the only question is how much damage will they do, before they give in, and declare things as they are, that our financial debt is actually an energy deficit to our planet, which can only be paid back down by doing work with solar, in the form of money representing it, in absence of anything else, and that all other work is negative, destructive, and they need to immediately issue massive stimulus to get us fully underway with no further delay.

It is seven and a half years to get to receipt of power from any nuclear station started now, but inflation is already slipping out of control. Not only would we have to survive exponential environmental deterioration until then, but also currency representing capital dropping to near zero value. We know what effect economic collapse has on building developments - they grind to a halt. So personally I can't see it is even possible to go nuclear now, we are already too late.

Compare that with the current predicament of Vietham; they offered incentive to all communities with land to spare, that made a commitment to buy solar energy from anyone offering it from new solar farms, at a guaranteed rate. The government expected to gain around 850MW solar power capacity by that initiative, but got 16GW. The communities loaned money to create the farms, but now mostly can't sell their energy because the Vietnamese grid can't handle more than 2GW of additional energy at any time, so now the communities can't sell their energy and are suing the government.

The solar farms implemented the new solar capacity in only a couple of years, and could have done it in half that time if their effort had been coordinated, and externally funded.

Whereas their grid now is expected to take three years to be upgraded.

As someone studying this stuff for a while now, it is obvious to me, all they need to do is augment the farms with hydrogen facilities, and even crytpocurrency production if their government can't swallow the problem financially, and their problem is solved, by replacing the fossil fueld parts of their economy, they don't even need a grid, it could be decommissioned, every community could have just a local microgrid and hydrogen production.

All EV vehicles can be easily converted to dual hydrogen / electric power, by replacing the battery with reversible hydtrogen fuel cell.

See how it all fits in?

So the Vietnamese problem is the perfect problem to have, as it has the perfect solution, it seems to me.

I've written about all of this in all of my stories, I am sure they are not the only ones out there, more and more folk much cleverer then me, or with bigger egos than me, will push it much harder than me.

Common sense always comes around, one way or another.

Exciting times! :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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