Hey Bob, really cool you've taken the time to check out Kardashev money, and everything related, thanks for looking and commenting. It looks like we agree on most things.
On Kardashev money itself, it can be crypto or fiat. Pow crypto already is technically there, it naturally seeks out the cheapest source of power, and each token is already a theoretically known number of Joules, so it already has an energy standard, but like you point out it isn't accepted by many governments yet, and definitely banks simply hate it.
But they always have the option of issuing money as Kardashev Money, rather than money-as-debt, which is just more promises to extract.
All they need to do is issue it, and formally acknowledge that it is money representing the Joules of energy coming in from solar.
Until they do that, money is becoming increasingly less representative of actual valuable product, donated to us with no labor of extraction, thus no pollution, from the root source of all energy we know about, the sun.
Whilst that energy is coming in, at the rate of tens of GigaJoules per second, in every developed country, still scaling up by necessity and no money is being issued on it, fiat money has to devalue, because in the end it is not the money which is the thing of value but the product.
Right there, we are breaching the Austrian Economic principal of balancing economic product created with issue of money.
It is simply not honest, to be not issuing that money as stimulus. We might say markets already know this instinctively at the more abstract level, which will keep pushing inflation, until the problem is put right, the only way it can be, by issue of that stimulus.
This naturally fits with fixing all of the problems we see, including growing need for a UBI due to increasing automation, and historical illogical tendency of capital owned leading to more access to capital, thus creating ever increasing wealth inequality, colonialism, slavery, and so on.
It also fits with the reason we saw oil prices go negative, and the only ever positive spike of environmental recovery seen, so far, whilst the dollar itself went up in markets, not down, as would have been expected if the stimulus had been issued prior to solar.
So the dollar and all fiat currencies are set to devalue for now, removing all chances of long term investment in large scale longer term projects, like fusion, nuclear, in fact any large scale extraction projects, leaving us with only one possibility; further expansion of solar projects on a community basis.
This looks a little like nature playing something like a game of chess with us, it seems to me.
She is at check, with one move to mate.
We go solar, by issuing the stimulus now needed for everyone to do it on a community basis, or end with nothing at all.
We might say nature is the real grand authority, her currency is energy, the only issuer and enforcer of it is the sun. It is currently burning our asses for taking it, and not honestly acknowledging it by reflecting it in our currencies.
That is how it looks to me.
I could write much more on this, I have now maybe 280 stories in Medium, mostly directly related, written over the past five years, I am using rigorous formal Model based systems Engineering tools and experience gained over almost thirty years practicing in industry as a Chartered Engineer, I can't find a flaw in this system designed by nature, and no-one has yet pointed out anything fundamentally incorrect in the analysis.
We seem to headed for Kardashev money one way or another, the only question is when, and the only thing stopping it is people, still stuck in the ways of capital, which depends also on extraction.
When that changes, we will make the switch to 100% solar very quick, as long as it takes for all communities to implement hydrogen backed solar sufficient for their own needs, given unlimited funds, one or two years, no more, as far as I can tell.