Hehe, this is bound to trigger a few folk, I guess you designed it to do that :)
I am from Scotland originally but live in England now.
The only bit I would agree with your "Historical" analysis completely on, is Sturgeon's shameful pursuit of Salmond, to try to ruin his life after he'd graciously stepped down, handing over control of SNP to her.
I doubt we've ever seen a more shameful show of human jealousy and spite, than what she displayed right there.
He will always be remembered as by far, the biggest driving force SNP ever saw. He lived for it, he was made for it, even being born on hogmanay. How could she hope to outshine that, never mind his blinding integrity and world renowned political acumen, no chance. So why not just resort to the classic fem-privilege, to try to trash him with fake sexual accusations instead.
What a thoroughly horrible, twisted human, and woman.
She is only a fraction of him, and she hates him for that. Worst of all he is a man. All she did was show how small she is, and the damage she did, not only to the image of Scotland, but also to that of feminism, is huge.
Scotland forgiving her, and still putting up with her, amazes me.
As for bankruptcy, what does that even mean?
Personally I think it is the whole idea and concept of bankruptcy that we should be, and will soon be forced by nature to be questioning.
I would have thought that you, of all people would understand that Scotland was colonised, just like Africa, using financial instruments like Bankruptcy. It is a trick played by the slavers, to subjugate the enslaved, by making them feel ashamed, and beholden to their "Masters".
Who is to say it isn't actually England that owes Scotland for any number of things, like the power given to the the English industrial machine by anyone including Adam Smith, James Watt, James Clerk Maxwell, or North Sea Oil, or even just Whiskey?
For fuxsake, and auld lang syne!