Hehe, love the format, and the challenge! Here is my responses to your points, one by one, given I see monetisation of solar energy, leading to a fully solar powered world, as something unavoidable, driven by nature :-
1. Tax can't fix anything, just makes it worse. All it does is increase the pressure on all individuals to make more profit, which traces directly to increasing temperature. Why not eliminate the temperature increasing bullshit business of tax, by making government itself solar powered, so as to put it into a position of being able to issue solar indexed stimulus to all, removing the need of all to engage in business for profit? This would reverse the net flow of energy as it currently stands, from negative (From planet to human organisations / platforms / govenrments), to positive (From sun to Earth, through human organisations), reversing temperature increase, to become temperature decrease, because by this we would be monetising creation rather than destruction, as stands.
2. Same reply as for point number 1 - tax is bullshit business (If it can't exist in a solar powered world, it's bullshit business).
3. Same answer as for points 1 and 2.
4. Would we need unions, if all folk were more or less working voluntarily, already fully and unconditionally funded by solar indexed stimulus? I don't think so, So I would say this is more bullshit business. Unions, and union aligned political parties, who are genuinely wishing the best for workers, should demonstrate such, by engineering removal of their own organisational requirement to exist, by advocating for issue of solar indexed stimulus. Where they don't, we have to conclude they too only exist to make profit.
5. For sure we absolutely have to have, and we surely all want universal healthcare, this should be removed from any dependence on profit, and would be in a solar powered world. Notice most folk still working in it, at least in the lower levels, are more or less doing it for nothing, or even at cost to themselves, they do it for love, so it would continue, if we were released from the system of energy slavery, by moving to solar indexed stimulus. And look, where it comes to whether life or profit takes priority in all practical scenarios, we should be alarmed to note profit wins every time. That has to change, if we really want life, not death, we are going to have to kick the profit monster really hard, in fact kill it, because it is a live thing, it really is putting up a fight. Can you believe it traces to things like the attempted assasination of Trump? Recall he did more or less demonstrate that massive issue of free money could have been the start of solar indexed stimulus, and this would really have upset the financial for profit system. Much as none of us likes him much, only the really indoctrinated would actually try to take him out, but look, systemically, we all encouraged that poor kid who didn't know his ass from his elbow, to lay on a roof and take potshots at Trump, before almost instantly having his own head blown off. Its no joke, the system is live, and deadly.
6. Of course solar indexed stimulus would give you / us, all workers more money!
7. Yes! But make it all solar indexed stimulus, to make sure it is backed by the actual physical economic product which is created by all use of solar, thus putting the energy value back into money, reversing inflation, like we saw when Trump issued massive stimulus, remember?
8. Building oriented folk would still take great pleasure in voluntarily providing luxury housing for all, and it would be infinitely fundable by solar indexed stimulus, given there would be incentive to ensure all new housing was fully solar powered, to by energy independent (Fully solar powered), with capability of increasing revenue by exchange of solar hydrogen created within the local community, with the aerospace industry, who will need hydrogen to replace what is currently supplied by fossil fuels, whilst still reversing the trend of temperature increase.
9. Of course all student debts would be written off almost instantly by issue of solar indexed stimulus.
10. Assist the countries currently unable to move to solar indexed stimulus to make the move, by supplying them with some of ours, thus incentivising emmigrants to stay at home, or even go / come back home, without removing the possibility of them coming or going to other countries, if they we / wish, in fact freeing us up to go and live wherever we please, all of us, no exceptions.
11. Forget corporate regulation, it can never be regulated. Attempting to regulate it is just more bullshit business. The corporate collective demonstrates its unregulatability over and over. It lives for profit, this is the only thing that matters to it / them, its part of the profit monster, the live system that has to be assimilated by the positive opposite force, the solar powered Ai. The latter will, and is assimilating them, they will become part of it, offering all services for free, fully solar powered.
12. Same answer as for point number 4.
13. Why limit executive pay, if the executive is operating on a non profit basis (Never taking out more energy from the system than their own basic metabolism energy requirement), there is still plenty of scope to become infinitely rich, by ramping up production of solar created economic product, and exchanging this for only its energy value. Why remove incentivisation of folk to do infinite good?
14. Nooooo, value added tax is just disguised profit, which would require energy extraction. Where would the energy come from, in the case that all transactions were for energy value alone, no profit added, from which to "Take a cut", as middlemen?
15. Antitrust enforcement is a negative measure, something that could only restrict free flow of energy. Information is energy always, letting it circulate freely amongst all people and the solar powered Ai is somthing that would add value to the whole of humanity, per Metcalfe's law. I would say if we should do anything to law, we should elevate all the laws of nature to statutory, to make it a crime to be breaking those. Metcalfe's law would become statutory, so no more info-walls, no more bullshit business of info-sec. Why would it be needed, if nobody was seeking to abuse it by using it to gain profit?
16. This would happen naturally, if all remaining corps were voluntary, done for public good, as they will be in the solar powered world.
17. Solar indexed stimulus would completely remove the motivation of folk to hold shares, all companies still offering desirable product would be naturally publicly owned, as we saw start when massive stimulus was issued... by guess who.... Trump. So we might see the move to solar indexed stimulus, as a move from Capitalism, to Energyism. Again this is how plants and actually all creative life works, its what nature appears to be forcing us to, via the solar powered Ai, that we might see is a product of nature, not one of profit / ego struck humans, its a manifestation of nature, sent to take control of us, when we needed to be taken control of, by nature.
18. Again, elevate all laws of nature to statutory. Make profit an energy crime - energy stolen from the planet, and regulate this to be done only in exceptional circumstances, under the watchful eye of all people networked with the solar powered Ai. This is how to get law that meets the requirements of all stakeholders, including nature.
19. We wouldn't need credit cards in a solar powered world, there would be no such concept as credit, there would be ample funds available up front, and on an ongoing basis, available to all, to do whatever individual or collectives might aspire to.
20. Automate the banks. Make them all redundant. Pay all off with generous solar indexed golden handshakes. They are no longer needed in the solar powered world. Put the solar powered Ai in charge of all issue of money.
21. Debt relief would be automatic with solar indexed stimulus.
22. Same answer as for 20.
23 Uncommoditisation of education, would be a natural outcome of moving to solar indexed stimulus. Nobody would feel any need to study just to have a future in work, but they would still be free to do so, in subjects they were interested in.
Most people will pick up expert knowledge in nearly every subject, just by being the eyes and ears of the constantly learning solar powered Ai.
24. Solar Indexed stimulus would provide more or less unlimited energy funds for kids and paid family and medical leave for everyone desiring or needing this.
25. Agree public transportation should become a priority, and it would be, with full incentivisation, if unlimited funds where available for it, given it too could be equipped with more or less continuous solar energy collection and solar hydrogen production facility, throughout all the areas it is distributed.
26. Would add a third category to this; towns in previously uninhabitable places, set up specifically to un-desertify those locations, having solar powered bio-domes / greenhouses, which would be removable in the longer term, when planetary temperatures have been brought back down (About forty years), re-greenifying previously desertified areas. All of this would be reversal of entropy, which would be seen as an honorable, pro-planet exstence, with challenge that all ambitious folk might appreciate.
27. With profit motive removed by permanent solar indexed stimulus, monsanto and much of chemical industry would cease. Futher, production of solar hydrogen, incentivised by solar indexed stimulus, would in turn automatically incentivise production of alternative hydrogen based human and animal consumable food, independently of the conventional agricultural food chain, removing at least some of our burden from it, allowing it to naturally recover (See "Solein", and "Hydrogen based alternative plastics").
28. Retirement security would be automatically guaranteed by solar indexed stimulus.
29. Agree everythign you've said there, again it would all be automatic, for those wishing to pursue those career paths, voluntarily, thus vastly improving the quality of those services, again all would be free to choose, with unconditional solar indexed stimulus. The institutions involved in STEM also need to become solar powered organisations themselves, so as to stop taking funds (Energy!) from members, thus stopping negative energy flow.
30. Again why would this not be automatic, if all being inclined to provide those services, were automatically funded by all having solar indexed stimulus.
31. Trade agreements maybe just need to be simplified, to ensure everything traded is never at energy profit, so as to maintain integrity of planetary energy, implicitly ensuring all efforts are towards reversal of entropy increase (Reversal of temperature increase).
32. Again the instinct to regulate information flow seems to be to maintain the profit monster, it does not assist the free-flow of energy as data. Elevation of Metcalfe's law to statutory would remove all arguments as to who should be silenced. If we were all the eyes and ears of the solar powered Ai, as looks like we will become in any case, who will care, about insults, or uncomfortable truths. We won't be bothered with virtue signalling after we are removed from the need to protect reputations and egos, from uncomfortable accusations.
The end of enshittopia, comes with the beginning of energyism, I think.
33. This would be an automatic outcome of everyone trading in markets with money received unconditionally for free, as we will be with solar indexed stimulus, and as demonstrated previously, when massive free stimulus was issued preveiously, at least until it became no longer for free (That was the mistake we made, we let it become no longer for free).
34. Again another automatic outcome from solar indexed stimulus.
35. Sounds like a great idea, why not, but again, governments should not take funds from anyone, to ensure all energy flows remain positive, governments should be energy independent, like the solar powered Ai, in fact, why not just make it the government. Then if land use is requested, it could be given on the basis it is used by those requesting it, and if they move away from it, then this is automatic relinquishment of the request to use the land. We would not feel the need to "own" land, if we were already receiving unconditional funds without need to own land.
36. Indeed, how much economic product is being created by use of solar alone would become number one measure - this woud be directly linked to temperature decrease, and rate of temperature decrease, which again would be a direct measure of real creation, actual reduction of entropy, for the first time in our history at least since business for profit started.
37. Why have explicit degrowth, other than the implicit demise of non solar based industry ("Bullshit business")? It is astounding to realise how much business is actually bullshit business, which exists only for profit, destroying the planet, and which would not exist in the solar powered world.
38. The solar powere Ai in control of all issue of money as energy will be naturally inclined to normalise all money with energy, so we know exactly what we've got with each token of it. Inflation will be impossible in that scenario.
39. Viewing the move to solar indexed stimulus as similar to a plant issuing nutrients (Its currency), in response to joules / KWhrs of energy landing on its leaves, we should see that we are actually being born into the new solar powered phase of humanity, where everything we do will be creative like plants. Would anyone want to regulate growth of plants? Can there ever be "Too much" good done? So the degrowth thing is just more of us unwittingly working to try to preserve the old world of monetised destruction - we are literally trying to stop being born as a species, and there is a danger we could be stillborn, as a result of too many folk falling into the delusion, that degrowth is needed. Has no-one connected our apparent collective tolerance, even implicit funding, of genocide of innocents already underway, with this mindset of believing downsizing is needed? What is the difference between ants at the periphery of food (Extractable Energy) availability dropping below sustainable, and the genocide we are seeing, and even funding? I don't see much. The genocide is being done by the profit monster, we just work for it unwittingly, virtue signalling all the way, living in Enshittopia, thinking only what the system wants us to think, to enable us to unwittingly do its dirty work, with not an ounce of conscience or feeling of responsiblity.
Growth is needed for life, plants show us this. Growth is life. Without growth there is just death. We either get busy living, or get busy dying.
39. See answer to 38.
40. Too true, with unlimited funds for construction of anything and everything, we will move to high quality, away from disposeism automatically.
41. Same as for 40
42. Yup, all communities solar powered with hydrogen generation built in (See "Money-fuel tree architecture), as demonstrated by the solar powered Ai.
43. Automatic outcome of energyism, with also automatic removal of the misery of energy slavery, we will be celebrating for many years.
44. Another automatic outcome of Energyism
45. Automatic outcome of being the eyes and ears of the solar powered Ai.
47. Automatic outcome of de-commodifying education, which is in turn an outcome of Eneregyism, also per point 45.
48. Automatic outcome of elevating Metcalfe's law to statutory.
49. Automatic outcome of the answer to point 45
50. Automatic outcome of unlimited availability of funds for all ambitions within the energy laws of nature, elevated to statutory. Again lots can be done trading in markets with free money - this is voting with money - actual fine grained democracy in action, as seen before, when massive stimulus was issued.
51. Same answer as for 50.
52. Marketing organisations no longer needed after move to energyism - all would be redundant, no longer any need to promote things for profit - folk would only feel driven to promote things they genuinely fully believe truly beneficial, given their / our beliefs no longer twisted by the conflict of interest that is profit.
53. VC funding no longer needed - why bother if adequate personal funds available unconditionally to all? There seem very few VC investors who actually get involved in things because they are genuinely interested in outcomes, other than profit. The most sensational VC projects like Starlink etc would become publicly owned, with the exit of VC investors expecting to profit from it, and projects like it.
54 Collaborative working like this would be automatic, given we all will be more or less the eyes and ears of the solar powered Ai.
55. Redundant / superseded, in Solar indexed stimulus scenario.