Hehe I like your analysis Keith, thanks for that. I thought my ahaa moment already came when we saw oil prices go negative, that was when it all fell into place for me. I have looked briefly at MMT, but it doesn't entirely align with money-as-energy, as far as I can see, But MMT is a flexible vehicle I think, "Modern" implies that it is up to date, which might mean it has some flexobility to be updated with new information, as such information becomes apparent, like ratification of technical standards, I can't see any reason not to have some ratification of economic and engineering theory, which might provide some solid physics underpinning to MMT, whilst also providing some crossover between the previously separate domains of economics and Engineering. The main economic principal which I think helps understand why the inflation we are seeing now is different from any we've seen in history, (most importantly that it won't stop, until the issue of money balances with reception of energy) , is the Austrian economics relationshio between product creation, and money creation.
That principal has been used very often in history to justify not issuing money for free, and it has been demonstrated to be correct, if money is issued for free, and there is no creation of product, then the money devalues.
But the unique situation now, since the implementation of significant solar energy reception, is creation of product (donated by donor external to economy), but no issue of money to balance with it. We might say money donated to companies owned by elites, rather than people, as elites are inclined to do, satisfies requirements. I think it does, if the end result is adequate free money flowing through to all people anyway, like it did when Trump issued 4Tn per per month, mostly to businesses, people at ground level had enough disposable income to vote with their free money, truly expressing what they really wanted, hence why the oil went negative, the majority of people really don't want oil, they got to say it with undeniable clatity, right there, whilst the dollar itself even went up in value. That was maybe the first time in history we saw real true democravy in action, and I believe it is the availability of solar energy, and the subsequent accumulated un-monetised, donated solar product, which made it possible.
It was a very different result from when bucketloads of free money was issued in the Weimar, leading to the problems we saw in Germany in the run-up to the last world war.
I think MMT explains the Weimar demise of money, but does it also explain the events arounf the negative oil prices?
The proof of whether I am right about this or not will be seen very soon, if they manage to get inflation down, by imposing closed box economcs on everyone, despite still scaling up solar energy, then I will shut up and submit to the slavers :)
But I am absokutely certain we are seeing nature taking control here, They won't get the inflation back down until enough free money to reflect actual donated solar product is issued. Until then, money has to spiral away from utility /value, since actually it is becoming increasingly less representative of actual, extremely valuable product, the same product as people will vote very highly for in the free markets with their free money, the almost direct opposite of oil :)
All we need to do now, to help nature give us this gift of unlimited free energy (us being the majority of people) , is demend the free money, straightaway it seems to me. Why waste another minute daelaying and waiting for the inevitable, we can cut our losses by demanding the free money with no further delay, and we can use it to implement community basef solar backed by hydrogen in all places to create a new hydrogen fuelled ecosystem which generates no pollution, but solves many many problems, even distribution of drinking water, as a natural by-product of the system, giving us a basis to look towards natural growth again, whilst providing benefit again to our planet, repaying something of the energy debt we actually currently owe to it, and which has tp be paid back.
We might notice this is like the shoot of a tree, the tree shoot took all of its energy from Earth for the first part of its life, until it first sprouted leaves. Aftrr the leaves formed, the flow of energy changes, from initially the roots upwrds before the leaves formed, to downwrds, from leaves to Earth, after the leaves form. The mechanism transporting energy within the tree is nutrients. The mechanism transporting energy in humanity is money. The mechanism transporting energy in nature is sunlight. See how it all fits together? I didn't get too far into MMT so I don't know if it explains all of this or not. It would be cool if it did though :)