Haven't you spotted yet that it is all about money, and profit, and actually energy, and where we get that from?
We can't condemn anyone doing such potentially evil things, as long as we ourselves continue supporting, and participating in the profit driven system, which in turn is entirely mutially dependent on extracted energy.
This is why most of science, seemingly involved in fixing environmental problems, aren't fixing it at all, but perpetuating it, and even accelerating it, with things like Geo-Engineering, by making businesses, and careers out of it.
The whole evil thing of profit collapses when we starve it of the energy it needs to survive, instead of starving Earth, and all life on it, of the energy it needs to survive.
That happens the instant money comes to represent the Joules being received from sunlight.
We even saw it when trillions per month were issued as stimulus, but since then it has been hushed up, denied, and the perpetrator, obnoxious as he was, cancelled.
So now we have a war in Europe, likely to go nuclear any second, and money issued only as debt, representing the remaining, depleting Joules of energy in Earth, thus losing value by the second, how much longer until they admit defeat, they can't retain the wealth they grabbed forever, no matter what they do, soon they need to issue the money representing the ongoing and historical creation of actual physical economic product created by solar Joules received for free, mostly by domestic and community solar, to retain any value in money at all.
I bet you didn't connect it all with energy until now :) But now you have, it can't be unseen, right?