Vinay this is an admirable effort, made I am sure with the best of intention, but it sounds to me like you are still speaking the language of the old world.
Even your company name seems to ring of the same.
The old world is matter (capital) with no real consideration of energy.
The old world uses language like carbon neutral, and circular economy, to disguise yet more profit drivrn activity, in the name of fixing the environment when actually it is just making things worse.
Humanity can’t be saved at profit, it is dying because of profit.
The old world considers money only in terms of matter, when it should be considered in terms of live energy (power).
When we do that, and trace the energy to source, we find it comes from the sun, it is limitless, and it is free, all of it.
Therefore money should be continuously generated from sunlight, and issued to all people for free.
That will be the end of profit, scarcity, capital, capitalism, colonialism, and the Grand Enetgy Ponzi we’ve practiced for a few thousand years, so also the end of the environmental problem.
That is the only way out of the hole we are in, the only way to stop us reaching the flashpoint of world spontaneous combustion we are incredibly close to right now with heat domes setting fire to Siberia, where before there was permafrost.
Anyone who thinks an economy can’t run like that just needs to think back to the time when 4Tn dollars was issued in one month, and look closely at what happened then.
The dollar went up, not down.
Oil prices went negative, for the first time in history.
Bitcoin and gold dipped a little, as both were petceived as capital, which no-one needed, just then, but only one was truly capital, the other was at least partly money as sunlight, which was exchanged for money as debt, hence the reason money as debt went up in value despite being handed out by the war-load.
I call it a war-load, as that was about the reported cost of the twenty year Afghanistan war, 4Tn.
That was issued in the first month of stimulus alone.
10K dollars per head for every soul in the US, in the first month.
The dollar price starting to dip now isn’t because it was handed out, but because it isn’t still being handed out.
Scarcity is being enforced, yet again, and yet now we know it isn’t necessary, at least not since money as sunlight became reality.
Ethereum, by ditching proof of work, the mechanism which gears money to sunlight, opting instead to adopt capital only, has crossed over to the dark side, literally.
Now it too is just part of the Grand Energy Ponzi, unfortunately, and that is a shame, I really liked it.