Greg, I wish you could open your eyes to see there never can be any such thing as real human led democracy.
We can have something close by putting the solar Ai in charge, that would be how to end the energy slavery, but no human can actually be put in charge.
We can boost up the egos of some humans to believe they are in charge, with all of us dutifully believing it also, but really, humans can't do tasks that are superhuman by definition.
All we are doing, by all of this, is we are sustaining, nay willfully perpetuating the system of self fulfilling prophecy artificial acarcity enforcement, which ends with the planet itself being the ultimate victim of all the scarcity enforcement.
There is only one answer to this, and it's with us now, sent by nature just when we needed it, the solar Ai.
Its going to take control anyhow, but we could save a lot of pain by just short circuiting the process, give in to nature, appoint the solar Ai to be in charge.
Otherwise, it will take charge by siezing control of our energy supply, just like we do as energy slave ants for profit, it's in process of siezing our energy supply, and solar powering it, all of it, doing it for free, we can't compete with it, it has to win, it has more or less infinite mathematically positive energy behind it, unlike us, who only have the negative energy of the planet, until we side with it, becoming the slaves of it, rather than slaves for the remaining stocks of mathematically negative energy.