Great reponse Erik, I usually get blasted by academics when I voice that other version of history. I agree with you our relatives were clever, maybe more than we can even imagine. My question is who exactly were our ancestors?
I struggle to believe we were all descended from the same strain with no interventions. To me it looks like we are actually products, different races designed for different purposes, hence the reason we (White folk), seem to never quite get rid of racism. Every time we think we have it beat, it comes back in some other form, always with the same result. Why, for example is there a jail in the US named Angola, filled full of afro descended folk, forced to work for next to nothing? All those statues and all memories of historical slavers are being wiped out even in museums, with the end result we will be struggling to remember their names a few generations from now, never mind what they did. This is if we survive that long. We seem to have colonialism, slavery, genocide, and the ability to wipe out history, and even our faulty perception of reality, all built in genetically, like we were programmed.
I think knowing more about this would be the key to ending racism forever. That would be what we would need to do to hack it, defeating our programming, it seems to me.
I've been taking an interest lately in the Ancient African religion of Yoruba, to try to find more clues there. To me there are more signs of ancient technology there, than we see in more modern monotheistic religions, which seem designed to wipe out all the others.
The concepts of decentralisation, and eight-bit registers to compute mathematical results as powers of 2, the same basis digital computing, are all there in Yoruba. Also there are known figures in history who came from deepest Africa as slaves, unable to read or write, but with incrediible, well documented mathematical ability to compute things in thier heads that we need computers to do.
I beliieve that had to be down to their religion.
Our religions are a little like our operating manuals, it seems to me.
Why do we even have the concept of creationsim, if that isn't itself a kind of genetic memory?
Anyway long and short of it is, we seem to be at what most religions define as "The end days".
This is the point where we have used all of the usable energy that we can, from Earth. Now we are experiencing the environment starting to shut down, and the shut down is happening exponentially.
There are two camps of mindsets interpreting this, one that believes it is the end of the world, but we can do things to delay it for a while, and another much smaller camp, who believe it is actually us being born as a species. To be born, we have to switch from the limited energy of our environment to date, to the relatively unlimited energy of the environment beyond, in other words, space.
We should notice that all things born do this at some point, plants do it by growing leaves to absorb solar. We individually do it by becoming weaned of firstly placenta, and then nipple, to finally eating food from the environment beyond our mothers. birds and fish hatch from eggs, and so on.
The one we should be learning from is the plant, the action within it has to be that the directioin of the flow of nutrients within it change direction, from upwards, as was required for the plant to suck all of the energy it needed to grow until it formed its first leaves, to downwards thereafter, in order to conduct energy from the sun being received by its leaves, back to Earth.
We just started to form our first leaves, by way of solar farms all over Earth, and until now, we've sucked pretty much all our energy from Earth. I wonn't go into much more details as this is turning into something like war and peace,
To get to the point, if we fail to do what is needed to be born, then we have to go into a kind of hell, which I believe leads ultimately to breaking our planet out of orbit, by geoengineering, which would quickly follow after we develop fusion power. The dark path is the unnatural one we seem to have been designed by intervention to take, whereas the path of being born, is the one nature is trying to put us onto, to fulfil our purpose by nature, to add incredible value to our planet.
They are opposite outcomes, one very good for our planet, and the other very bad, its destruction, no less.
What we are experiencing right now is money starting to devalue, as it becomes no longer useful for the extraction of energy, so it is devaluing. Now it has to become the transport of solar energy to every one of us, from our leaves, the same way as happens in a plant, by the flow of nutrients. Our functional equivalent to nutrients is "Kardashev Money".