Frederick Bott
3 min readNov 3, 2022


Good you are thinking about this and inviting discussion, thanks for posting.
To me, as a longstanding Systems Engineer studying the energy problem voluntarily now for around 5 years, the detailed system solution I would recommend is community based solar hydrogen.
This traces to the concerns of all stakeholders, even if they don't know the concerns include things not previously realised to be relevant. In other words, most folk don't really know what they want, because they are unaware of the full reach of the problem, and the benefits that can be realised by a solution which really fixes the underlying problem of global destruction and its full effects, effectively reversing this, to global creation.
Profit driven business is not interested in achieving this solution, because the solution will result in most profit driven business being either dissolved, or converted to non-profit form. They will only do, and say everything possible to try to sustain their business.
The problem is that the business of money issued as debt itself ties us into energy by extraction. The process of extraction itself destroys things that cost far more in terms of energy to create, than the energy extracted.
This goes for any form of energy we can derive from Earth.
The only way to derive energy for our use in a way which does not destroy materials or other stored energies of Earth, is to obtain it from a source not on Earth, ie solar.
That process adds any work we do with the received energy from off-planet to existing stocks of capital on Earth. Notice it even converts to food, after hydrogen (see "Solein"), and even drinking water, as a by-product of its consumption, ie again for free.
Notice also it converts to cryotocurrency tokens, exchangeably for the valuable physical products of hydrogen, proving that the token does have value.
But solar is donated, pushed to us for free, in contrast to energy by the work of extraction.
There is no work needed per Joule of energy received from the sun, so it adds to creation by nature, at no energy cost to nature. Nothing is destroyed to create it.
This is the only sustainable solution, which fundamentally reverses the process of damage being done, to one of creation being done.
But it can't be monetised by money as debt, this is literally impossible, since money as debt can only translate to promises to do work, yet there is no work associated with the Joules received from the sun.
So, since we are necessarily scaling up solar energy despite the handicap of not valuing it correctly, now to more than tens of GigaJoules per second in every developed country, whilst money continues to be issued only as debt, money is moving further and further away from representing the most valuable product we can imagine, the things being created by the solar energy we are putting to use, violating the principle of Austrian economics, that product creation should be balanced by issue of money, hence the real, physical reason we are seeing inflation, which can only get worse, until the free product being created is reflected honestly by issue of free money representing it, ie "Kardashev Money".
Sorry for that so far rambling reply, but it is necessary to put the solution fully into context.
By that solution, which is the only one fixing the problem, therefore averting planetary disaster, we will see hydrogen transportation refuelling outlets in every community, in other words on every street corner, and vehicles exchanging stored drinking water for hydrogen refueling.
We will see also money continuously issued by government / banks to all people, representing their share of solar energy put to use therefore adding valuable product to Earth.
It will be in everyone's interests to maximise the excess hydrogen they can produce, until the market is saturated, since by this we maximise the revenue we each receive in reward.
All of this can be achieved in around 18 months, using established technology, for all countries to achieve 100%+ solar power support.
All it needs to kick it off, is issue of the Kardashev money representing the Joules of solar received over the past twenty or so years, on the understanding we will use some to implement solar hydrogen in our communities.
The basic form of a forever free community hydrogen installation is described in my money-fuel tree story.
I am working on a simulatable system model which also show some figures for expected system performance using known typical components.
Will probably do an article with that soon.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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