Good thoughts! If I remember rightly, there were some rumored experiments of this kind that Einstein was involved in, which was hushed up, of course they were investigating it for military application. I recall some folk claiming whole ships were made to disappear or become invisible, but it was difficult to know at the time what was truth and what was just incredible lies being told by folk that liked to create sensational stories Why wouldn't your theory be the truth? Something that occured to me when I first learned about the nature of the electron being affected just by being observed, is that the electron appears to have sentience.
It "knows" when it is being watched.
Again that might have massive significance when we scale it up, why would this not be the basis of all intelligence? And look, if it's true, it doesn't seem that far away from manifestation, ie, creating things out of nothing. There might be some magical ways of interacting with nature, using our minds, if only we knew how, to create things out of nothing, even live things.