Good that you are motivated enough to write an article on this, but I hope you won't take it too badly to find out you are wrong in its conclusions.
If you said about "Renewable" energy being dirty, I would agree with you, renewable energy is just bullshit business (In the David Graeber sense of "Bullshit Jobs")
But saying clean energy is dirty doesn't make much sense at all.
Energy isn't the problem, it is profit that is the real dirty problem.
Hence why solar, only solar fixes it, by removing the value of capital and replacing it with something much more valuable, that is the live, free Joules of energy that come from the sun, just like plants do, by issuing nutrients in response to the Joules from the sun landing on their leaves.
We just fomred our first leaves, and already are putting the energy from them to use, but still we only issue money as debt, which is just promises to do work, the work of energy extraction from Earth, when all other work is taken out of the picture, so the economic product from the sun is currently unmonetised, yet it is adding economic product, for which no money is issued, hence the real reason we are seeing inflation.
This time, inflation is being physically driven by nature, there is no amount of fiddling with interest rates will change it, it is not like inflation seen before, when we could consider the whole economic capital base as a something fixed, constant, or even depleting, it is now being added to by product from the only mathematically positive source of energy, that is the sun.
On the rare and toxic elements you mentioned, in solar panels alone they are not a problem, it is only a trace of the elements used commonly in other things, expecially batteries. But those are superseded when we convert solar energy directly to hydrogen by electrolsyers, which then becomes fuel whcih functionally replaces fossil fuels, with none of the pollution, because it was created from free Joulees of sunlight, which come at no cost to the environment, after the door to let them in is opened (By the creation and installation of solar panels).
Reading up on hydrogen tends to make folk believe efficiency is a problem, but it isn't if the energy at the input is free not only to use but to scale up, efficiency is no longer an issue.
Hydrogen not only converts to the fuel for all mechanical things, but also even for us, by being convertible directlly to food (See "Solein").
Seeing all of this makes the solution that nature is forcing on us, very clear.
Clear enough even that we can work out how much money is owed to the public in every country, by money issuers, for the solar Joules already put to use, and until this starts to be paid out, honestly declared as reflecting the value of Joules received, then inflation will not stop, until all money is devalued.
This goes also for any kind of money that might replace the orginal, like CBDCs, none of them can have any value, if they do not represent the actual product being put to use
Here is the proof, and how it can be worked out for any country: